Sound Vs. The Sinister Blade. Pt 2: Chapter 113 Arc 3 Finale Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov( Flashy pov)

Katarina: Why won't you die!

You stood up as you were breathing super heavily as you were about 10 ft. away from Katarina as you had small scratches all over your outfit. Your hair was all the way down as you flipped some of it out of your eyes, not that it didn't really matter. Your vision was terrible, you felt dizzy as you could barely see Katarina standing across from you.

You put up your fists as you spit out some of the blood from your mouth. You dashed at Katarina as you were punching at her with decent speed. She was able to keep up with you as you kept trying to hit her. You were able to land a blow on her stomach as you kicked her back. She quickly pulled a small knife and stuck it in your leg as she was sent flying back.

You took out the knife as you rushed at her and jumped over the gap between the two roofs that separated you and her. You slid under her legs and kicked her side. She blocked it as she spun around and tried to slice you with her blade.

You backed off quickly as you grabbed her arm and you back flipped. You kicked her as she flew behind you. You landed on the roof as you jumped off of it as Katarina and you were now in an alleyway nearby. She jumped into the air and she started to fling blades at you.

Y/N:( GO!)

You rushed at her and she ran backwards and kept the barrage of steel. You jumped over a box as you wall ran and kicked off the wall to kick a blade back to her. She leaped from the wall as you were both clashing as you quickly fell down back to the ground. You flipped over as she stabbed where you were and you narrowly avoided the attack. You landed as you looked behind you to see a sword laying behind a box in the alley.

Katarina: Fight me!

You grabbed the short sword in an instant as Katarina held out both of her blades and you blocked them with the sword. You deflected the attack as you swung it trying to hit her, she moved in an instant behind you as you jumped up and dodged the stab. You kicked her back in the face as she stumbled back.

Your grip on the sword was weakening as you felt the poison seep further into your body. You barely had any time to see Katarina running at you once more. She spun her blades in her hands as you noticed that she was running slower than before.

Y/N:( My hits are getting to her, that's good. Which means I just have to outlast her, fight her until she loses focus for a single moment, then defeat her and get back to Riven.)

Katarina and you were now clashing with the short sword and her blades as sparks flew from the power you were hitting her with. You felt that she was still overpowering you from the poison flowing through you. You didn't have the strength to push her attacks as you and her were now in a fight to death.

Y/N:( I don't have the strength to push for an attack, I just have to wait until she slows down, she has been using the same moves over and over again, I just have to wait. The Score takes too long to develop so I just have to wait. You got this!)

Katarina:( He has no strength left, his hits are living proof of that. I will have to push him to the edge right here, right now. I perfected this move just for this moment, I have to use it right now. I have to surpass Talon!)

Katarina jumped back as she twisted her body in the middle of the air. She had numerous blades and knives in between her fingers and hands. You saw this as you jumped back just a bit.

Y/N:( What is she doing!?)

Katarina: Death Lotus!

She started spinning incredibly fast as blades went in every direction. The speed and precision of each was different and hard to dodge. You attempted to dodge all of them, but a few of them got you. Two were piercing your chest as three were in your legs and one scratched the side of your neck. You dropped the sword as you stumbled back as you removed all the blades from your body.

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