Darkness Down Below, Fight Under The Sun: Chapter 104 Arc 3 Noxus Saga

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Y/N pov

I could feel the gold grip on my back as I opened my eyes to the darkness. At first I thought that it was just my eyes adjusting to the darkness, but no, there was no light in whatever I was in, whether that be a room or something, I couldn't tell.

Y/N:( Where am I?)

My body hurts like hell. Like I had just been run over by a car and then decided to sleep it off like a man. I eventually sat up and leaned myself against what I thought was a wall and breathed out. It was also a bit drafty in here, was it just me? I looked like I was completely naked from head to toe, even my underwear and pants were gone.


I tried to think about the previous events that happened before I got in here. I remembered the trip, with all the girls. I remember sleeping with Ahri and wanting to get a drink. I remember entering the bathroom and then...

Y/N:( I went out cold, and then I ended up here! So What happened during those times? Why am I here? More importantly, where am I?)

I sat up as I opened my eyes and started to adjust to the darkness more and more. I was in a cell, it was cold and damp as much as it was dark. I saw the bars of the cell, and saw they were too small and narrow to slip through as I stood up and walked up to the bars. I held onto them as I could see a light piercing through the ceiling. It was the light of the sun as I opened my eyes in surprise.

Y/N:( Daylight?! Last time I checked it was night. Which means it could be the next day and the meeting didn't take place, but it could also mean that maybe a few days have passed. Fuck! Where am I?)

I looked out to try to see anyone in the darkness as I tried to pull the bars, but to no avail. I sighed as I looked out once more.

Y/N: Hello? Is anyone there?

I heard moaning and groaning as if people were in pain as I was now more worried and scared about where I was.

???: I am.

I looked out to see where the voice was. I looked to see some darkness shift as someone was in the cell opposite to mine. I couldn't get a good look at who it was, but I knew from the voice, that it was a she. There was a woman on the other side, and it relieved and worried you some more.

Y/N: Thank the gods! Do you know where I am?

???: Ah, you must be the guy they were talking about a few days ago.

Y/N: A few days ago?

???: Yah, you were asleep for 3 days.

Y/N:( 3 DAYS!!?? Fuck!)

???: You looked beaten to hell, and they said they found you floating down the river.

Y/N: Floating? I was knocked out before, and I just remember waking up here. What the hell happened.

???: I'm sorry... we all have things that way on us like that.

Y/N: We?

???: You think you were alone here? In the pits, I would think not.

Y/N: Pits?

???: I guess you don't know. This is the Reckoning pits, where prisoners and people sent to die are... sent to die.

Y/N: So we're going to die?!

???: You see, that was what I thought too, but I realized it's much more complicated. The pits aren't as much as executions as much as it is a show they put on.

Y/N: A show? Like, something you watch with your family or a loved one?

???: Yes. It is more like a grand spectacle than anything else. The people getting executed are given stories and names and dramatic tensions between them to make it more dramatic and flashy when they die.

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