Sound Vs. The Grand General Pt.2: Chapter 132 Arc 5 Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov

Swain stared at you as he smiled, he walked a bit close as his wings went through the large whole in what was once the house of the dead family. You stared back at him as you felt rage burn within your body. You looked to see an aura of red energy form around him as you felt your body falter a bit before you picked yourself a bit.

Y/N: What the hell?

Swain: It seems you finally went under my magic's effect. I am using my magic to steal your life essence while we fight, in fact I do it to anyone in my area. Even with these three, what was remaining from them I stole to heal myself.

Y/N: I had a feeling you weren't just healing for no reason, so you are even more disgusting than I thought. Not only do you kill your own people for the sake of revenge, but you sap the energy of their dead bodies to sustain your own body. That's some fucking evil shit, I'm so happy that I get to cut you to fucking shreds while you heal it all back!

Swain: It's all for the good of my country, sacrifices have to be made for the strength of Noxus to prevail. This world is dark and dangerous, a boy like you has no idea what this world carries, nor the things you can deal with.

Y/N: I know my limits.

Swain: Do you? You are saying that you know that you can beat me? Knowing that I have ascended to a power limited to only the gods!? Are you saying that you defeat a god, you could defeat me?!

Y/N: That is exactly what I am saying. You hurt my family, you hurt my friends, you ruined my life, whether I am stronger or you or not means nothing. I will kill you here and now, even if it costs me my life. I will make sure that by the time you even think about doing something near me again, my blades will be at your throat!


Swain blasted towards you as you blocked the original hit from the sword as you and him went crashing through wall after wall. You felt the sting of each on your back as he disappeared in an instant as you saw him below as he kicked you in the stomach as you flew through the roof of one building.

Swain: How does it feel! To be the weak one!

Y/N:( I can barely see the speed of his attacks, he must have drained a lot more of my energy then I thought. I will have to keep myself loose or I will never keep track of all his movements and all of his attacks on me at once.)

You felt your back land on the roof of a building as you flipped back and saw him emerge. He pointed the sword at you as power glowed from its tip.

Swain: This is what it's like TO HAVE TRUE DOMINATION!

Energy sprayed from the blade as it rained down from the sword above as the roads and houses below were destroyed in multiple explosions. You were hitting the balls of energy as they exploded away as you felt the heat bare down on you as you kept blocking the attacks.

Y/N: ( I have to go on the attack!)

You jumped up towards him as you swung your swords in quick succession, only for Swain to no longer be there as you felt something kick you away. You flew through the air for a second as you landed on a nearby house roof. You Swain fly close as he grabbed your neck as he slammed you into the roof and dragged you from roof to roof.

Swain: Do you see!? You caused all of this!

He threw you forward as you skidded on the same roof as you looked down to see dozens of citizens running away from all the chaos. He flew towards you as you held up both swords.

Y/N: Sound Breathing, Fourth form: Constant Resounding Slashes

You swung your blades wildly as all the bombs around you exploded wildly as it was nothing but colors of orange and red and you kept throwing and hitting bombs. You stopped as you looked around for Swain as he was nowhere to be found.

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