Sound Vs The Shadow Reaper: Chapter 29 Arc 3

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Y/N pov

I ran through the halls trying to listen for any noise around the way. I could hear explosions and thunder as it struck from outside. One was definitely Kennen, its good to see that he is still alive and kicking. However, The explosion was something else, nobody I know could make a sound like that.

Y/N: Could it be someone else? Maybe kali's bombs but even they don't have that much force to them. It has to be something else entirely. Maybe Zed.

Zed, his name lingered in my mind for a bit while I kept running down hallways. Has he always been like this? Akali told me that him and Shen used to be brothers in a sense. If that was the case then what happened that cause to see differently. Like me and Kayn. I wonder how he feels about me leaving for so long. Will he forgive me? I hope so.

The thoughts were interrupted when I came to a huge door. I looked around and there was no other door around or other way around this. I pushed open the large door to see the moonlight shining down on the middle of the room.

The room was circular with a hole in the roof perfectly reflecting the light of the moon on top of the it. There was a singular staircase that spiraled all the way to the top of the room. The room was at least 10 if not 12 stories high. I had never seen this room in my life, something about it frightened me, it shook me but I stayed resolute.

I looked up to the stair case as I saw Kayn sitting on it with the same scythe from months ago in his right hand. HIs left foot was hanging off of the the side as he stared to the top of the room where the full moon was bright. 

Kayn: It is beautiful, I never thought I would see something like this.

Y/N: Never seen the moon before?

Kayn: No, I have seen it, just never this way. Sitting here thinking about the past while staring at the moon is a wonderful sight. It reminds of times that I will never forget.

Y/N: Kayn, What is happening right now? Why is Zed doing this, what is his plan to use the shards for.

Kayn: Your too late. It has plan has already become a great success. He used an ancient piece of armor and the shard of dominance and empowered himself to a whole new level. Master Zed is unstoppable. 

Y/N:(shard of Dominance? These things have names now?) Whatever, Kayn you have to help me stop him, he could kill himself doing this.

Kayn: What are you talking about? Master Zed has just found a way to reduce the flow of that energy to his brain, with this nothing will happen to him. Nothing will stop him from becoming the savior of Ionia.

Y/N: You said reduce, not stop. Which means as this moment its still trying to reach him. Kayn this is insane, you cannot believe that Zed will take over this world with these shards. What happens when something even more powerful shows up, what will he do?

Kayn: He will obviously use more of these shards and increase his power. What do you not get Y/N? Master Zed is unbeatable.

Y/N: Kayn! You have to help me stop him, I don't care how much I knew you, we need to stop this madness.

Kayn started to laugh hysterically as he finally stood up and put the scythe on his shoulders.

Kayn: Y/N, you naïve fool. I have obtained power far above what you have trained for. I don't think you even stand a chance.

Y/N: Try me.

Kayn snickered at me and Rushed me. He flew towards at blazing speed. I held both my blades up to defend. He brought down the scythe as we both clashed.

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