The Plan, The Song of The Blade Dancer: Chapter 10 Arc 2

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Narrator pov

To say that people were surprised was an understatement. Some were screaming, some were crying, others had just left the meeting entirely not wanting to believe the almost abrupt news of the attack.

Irelia: Silence! I will not stand for incomitance and cowardice in this meeting!

The room went silent as Irelia stood up and coughed to talk once more

Irelia: Let Karma speak about this.

Karma: With the last invasion we had no warning but visions that would happen with me. However, this time we had immediate confirmation of Noxian war ships off the coast as they com towards the city. We have time to prepare for something, anything.

Counsel member: We have no man power down there. It is not like we have an endless supply of soldiers at our ready. Not to mention that most of the Vastayans in that area won't even help us thanks to the order of shadow.

You look down at your hands with a face of guilt as you knew that some of the missions that you had to do forced your hand to take the wild magic from the vastayans.

Euros: He is right though, The only people down there are farmers, dancers and merchants. I could spare a few men from the shadow order but other then that I can't think of anyone with the experience to lead that kind of group(All except one stupid son in law of mine)

Irelia: We also thank you Euros, for the infiltration of the order of shadow, and you have yet to explain who this is to us.

She looks at you with a look of curiosity. At this point most of the counsel begins to stare at you and you begin to feel a bit embarrassed at all the attention

Euros: This is my apprentice Y/N, I have taught him the breath technique.

He pauses for a second and looks towards you and he breathed in and continued

Euros:  He is also my grandson.

The room pauses as a roar of confusion rains through the counsel. 

counsel member 1: The light wielder has children?

counsel member 2 : There was no evidence of this anywhere

Counsel member: If that's his grandson then how powerful is he?

You could feel the questions everywhere as you tried to process the information he gave.

Y/N( He is my grandfather? Is that Why he took me? He didn't hurt anyone else there. But didn't Irelia also say that he infiltrated the Order of shadow, so is he tricking Zed. Everything is coming together now, should I be mad?)

Your thoughts raced as the questions kept up. Unbenounced to you, Yasuo stared at you as he took out his gourd  and began to drink the liquid that was inside. 

Yasuo:( If he is his grandson that means that the breath technique was passed down to him. How strong is this kid Euros?)

Kennen( Another attack on Ionia could mean big trouble. I can't abandon master Shen's words about balance, however Akali left because she felt it was immoral and that the thing we are trying to protect is slipping away. So what do I  do?

Irelia: Everyone please, we have more important matters to discuss right now. I have a plan but that doesn't mean that its a great one.

Everyone calmed down as they all listened to Irelia speak.

Irelia: I will lead the army of the townspeople to the coming fight. We will fight until we can send reinforcements to the fight. Noxus has a strong military, however most of their attacks are frontloaded. If we can take on the front guard of soldiers then the battle will be assured for our victory. 

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