Swain's Ascension To Power: Chapter 128 Arc 5 Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov

The girls ran down the hallway with vigor, LeBlanc led them through the series of maze-like hallways as they looked all around themselves for a sign of anything. Guards laid dead crossed every hallway as Riven looked towards Samira as she was just laughing to herself.

Samira: I'm just getting started!

Riven: Oh boy.

Akali: So why are you running again? If we are heading towards Swain, then I'm all for this.

Ahri: Fighting Swain would be a problem though, we have no weapons and my magic is running low, I used too much of it during that last fight.

Karma: You haven't stored enough in your body. You are too used to places like Ionia and Bilgewater where magic is plentiful around and you can harness that natural magic from the air, but there is very little here, you must cultivate your own inner ability to use it to its utmost power.

Ahri: Can you teach me?! Please?

Karma: Maybe after all of this is said and done.

LeBlanc: Ahri is correct, the first thing you guys need is your actual weapons, I only gave you those things to supplement us for the time being. But there should be a vault up ahead with all your stuff.

Akali: YES!

Samira: Got all I need right here.

Samira flexed her bicep as Illaoi looked at her. She laughed as she did the same, although it was much more impressive. Samira laughed to Illaoi as they both ran down the hallway.

Samira: Very interesting! You guys are certainly a bunch I want to know more from!

Ahri: You're Samira right?

Samira: YES! I am Samira, the Desert Rose, Daredevil Extraordinaire! Or Bitch from some of the unlucky guys I've met. HAHAH!

LeBlanc: She's a bounty hunter, and a pretty good one at that. We found her guarding Swain's office space when we were looking for the sword. She almost shot Riven in the face.

Samira: My bad for that, HAHAH!

Riven: It's fine...

Illaoi: It seems that we all are fighting for a common objective then, that's good.

Samira: I just want to make sure that I can fight something more fun the next day, if Swain is the greatest challenge I will ever face, then that just means I wasn't good enough to make it through another day.

Akali: Well said, if anything we should be celebrating our victory. Whatever happens we will be ready for it, and kick Swain ass to kingdom come!

Katarina: You beat your sorry ass we will!

LeBlanc: We're here!

LeBlanc stood in front of a well barricaded door as it was locked with all kinds of locks and systems in place to keep anything out. LeBlanc looked at it for a moment as she tapped her staff against the door. The door creaked open and they all looked inside.

Katarina: How did you-

LeBlanc: Secrets must be kept that way~ Now grab your things and let's hurry over to the main area, Swain should be heading there now.

Everyone went in as Akali looked around and found her uniform as well as her bag of ninja tools and weapons, and then found her katana sitting with them as well. She put them on as she tied back her hair.

Akali: Seems like I'm good to go!

Illaoi grabbed her priestess clothes as well as her golden idol as she threw it into the air and grabbed it as she lifted it like a dumbbell. Irelia put on her uniform as she moved her blades in the air.

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