Sound Vs. Mist Part 1: Chapter 76 Arc 4 Saga 2

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(A/U) Second is @TheForestMonarch. Seeing all your  comments really brightens my day. I was not used to having comments so it was a bit hard to respond, but because of all that, I think I got a lot better at it, so Thank you! Enjoy this chapter as well!

Narrator pov

At The start of the battle

The smoke dispersed from the bombs you threw as you heard crashing and fighting as Viego stood in front of you. He held out his right hand as the same green sword he has been trapped in phased into his as he held it and sliced in the air and put the blade on the floor as he held it.

Y/N: Viego. We don't have to do this. I can feel the good in you, we don't have to fight for this. You can look for wife elsewhere, she's not in Bilgewater. I'll let you go if you just stop this and not mess with Bilgewater.

Viego: She calls out for me, Isolde. I can feel her calling to me, calling out "Viego, save me!" She is my queen, I must have her back. I do this all for her, don't you get it? Haven't you had something or someone so precious... that all you had to do was get them back? Haven't you had that thing?

You thought about his words for a moment as you thought to all the people in your life. Your family, your friends everyone that has helped you along the way. You sighed as you put down both swords.

Y/N: I do. I would do anything to them if I lost them. 

Viego: Then you understand my pain. Help me, help me get her back. I promise you that when I get her back, then I will help you get anything you want.

Y/N: Viego, I understand your pain, I really do. But your hurting others to get back what you have already lost. I don't the people I love to die or things like that, but I cannot stand when anybody hurts people just for selfish reasons. Please just stop this, you can start over, we can stop all this hurt.

You could hear the change in Viego's heart as he felt the weight of remorse and guilt on himself. However, just as that feeling was there, something happened. A feeling of darkness washed over him as he held his head with his hand, You look confused as Viego's face came wracked with anger.

Y/N:( He was thinking about what I said, I could hear it in his heart. What is happening, its like something or someone told him something.)

Viego: You... know NOTHING! All those who get in the way of me and my queen are traitors to me and the kingdom. I won't stand for peasants that get in the way of me getting back my love! You will face the Ruined King!

Y/N:( Shit, he's insane. I will to beat some sense into him.)

Viego stood for a moment as he charged with his blade in hand. He slashed downward as you watched it come down. You barely had the chance to pull your swords up and block the attack. You struggled against the strong blow as you parried it back as you rushed and sent a flurry towards you.

Y/N:( What is this speed!? I can barely keep up. I have to go defensive or I'll get my  head split by the weight of his strikes.)

The flurry continued as you felt slashes on your legs an across your cheek as blood poured out a bit. You jumped back and reach for the bag as you threw a dozen bombs his way. They exploded in a blaze as the front part of the ship was now on fire and the mist scattered away a bit. You looked to see him explode out of the fire and jump.

Viego: I must have her back!

He slashed down as both of you were fighting as he kept pushing you back with his attacks. The mist surrounded you as you heard a feint whisper and looked behind. A strand of mist came at you as you backflipped over it and you and Viego clashed as you both were fighting for control.

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