Training And A New Face: Chapter 4 Arc 1

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(y/n) pov

2 years Later

Why the hell did I even sign up for this. It has been two years since I've started to do this training, and everyday ever since has gotten worse and worse then last. When he said Endurance was the most important thing, he certainly wasn't lying. Everyday we take multiple laps around the mountain while he mentors and monitors my performance, if not completely done correctly I had to finish it again. After a few days they became much easier, the moment he sensed this he added traps and dangerous beasts around the mountain to keep me on my toes.

Along with this was strength build up. I might have been small but that doesn't mean my body wasn't completely in the strength department. Pushups, sit-ups, planks and all kinds of other exercises made sure that my body was completely ready for the training of the breath ahead.

I was running my final lap around the mountain like normal when he appeared before me.

Euros: "Hmm, that settles it, after all this time I did not think you would even have the strength nor the resolve to continue shit this hard. Which means its time for your reward. I think you have grown enough to get to the hardest part of your training. The Breath techniques.

I gasped for air as he continued on and even though I was on the verge of tears from the work out, I was still very excited to finally understand what The breath technique even is.

(y/n) I'm *gasp* ready Euros

We walk back to the front of the cabin and he beings to take out his chain and one his long swords from his back, he starts to swing his chain as he starts to talk.

Euros:" The breath technique is a very sacred art. Taught to me by own friend, Who was taught by the founder of the art, Eden Thoro. This Technique uses the breath of your own body to connect yourself to the affinity of your magic to use special techniques made by the element or ability the magic uses. It also increases speed and strength while the breath is continued."

(y/n):" You have to have magic to use?

Euros:" Unfortunately yes, Though all people have an affinity to magic, that doesn't mean you can use the breath very easily or even at all. Furthermore to use these techniques known as Forms, one must be wielding a weapon or item of some sort to channel the magic through it, or else it doesn't work.

(y/n):" So it's almost weapon enhancing type of magic?

Euros: "Remember it also increases reaction time, speed and strength while the breath is held, but yes, it is considered by those who do not know the art as nothing but a weapon enhancing art. Enough talk let me demonstrate how this works."

The Moment he says you walk back about 10 ft. as he preps the ability. He breathes in deeply as you can almost see the air around him get sucked in. His hand begins to channel a bright white light as he rears back his hand and opens his eyes

Euros: "Breath of Light : First Form, Radiant Light!"

AS he said this he flicked the chain in front of the tree, as the chain struck the tree a bright light glowed upon it as I covered my eyes from the bright light. The moment I opened them I saw as the tree was completely gone, until I realized that it flew back at least 100 ft. Upon closer inspection the tree had a star shaped carving where Euros struck the blow against it.

(y/n):" That was amazing! I didn't even know magic like that can even be done. How did you know when to release the energy and how to use your breath in that way?"

Euros:" That's what makes this training so hard my friend. Every person has a different way of releasing this energy and how they tell what form they me using. Your job will be to train until you understand these forms of the power. When you think you have mastered these abilities we will fight.  The fight will determine your growth and resolve to understand these kind of techniques. I've been teaching you Shinobi techniques and other such things, but this has to be discovered by your self young man. 

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