A Mission Both Literally and Figuratively: Chapter 5 Arc 1 Finale

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Narrator pov

 The cries of battle echoed on through the Placidium of Navori, Noxian forces charged through the gates as Ionia forces were drove back. Warriors, farmers and all of sorts of people fought back against the invasive forces, as their weapons drove them back into the Placidium.

Commander" Hold tight mighty Warriors. We have to push back these tyrants before they take all that we had. What of our families, what's going to happen to them when we fail. They will all die. I want to go back and I see my family, so hold fast and keep up the defense!"

However, at the end of his mighty speech, all the people, even some Vastayans looked at him with despair in their eyes. Their bodies beaten, their energy spent from the already long and tiring fight, and who knows how many friends they've lost during this attack. They could barely hear any words from the commander's mouth as they already looked at the next coming attack and lowered their heads in defeat.

Commander:"( Is there nothing I can do to raise their moral? Is this where we will fall to Noxus?")

As his thought finished the already might army of Noxus began to charge up the stairs of the Placidium. With fear in their eyes the Ionians looked one last time at the home the had spent thousand years building up, and as the commander closed his eyes for the last time.


He opened his eyes to the sound of wind against his face as he stood shocked with the sight in front of him. A girl with blue hair, silver armor and dancer's clothes underneath her armor was dancing between each of the noxian soldiers that faced her. Only for them to be cut down one by one from her blades. The Blades were floating, almost as if they were dancing in the air as they slit the throats of the invaders. It was almost a beautiful sight, like an piece of moving art

As she stopped her dance for a brief moment she looked back at the Ionia's and stood proud

???:" My friends do you see the way they fall to my blades, the way their blood spills on Ionian soil? These Invaders are not invincible, they can be beaten. Together we will stand for the First lands and lead onward so the future generations may dance and live freely like I do now. My name is Irelia Xan and I will stand and dance for the First lands!!

She stood their as the despaired soldiers began to pick up their heads. The moment her speech ended The roar of the people began as they charged forward to the gate of Placidium as they raised their heads high and continued the fight

As the charge continued a storm of arrows stopped the small army in their track, standing above the cliff of the hill of the Navori was a middle aged men, The general known as Jericho Swain. His greying hair and armor shone brightly as the sun clashed down on his standing army. His hand was motioned forward as he commanded his army to charge.

Swain:" Charge for the glory of Noxus!!"

Irelia and her force charged the battlefield as she began to slice and dance around the enemies to get to her main target, the general.

Irelia:" Give me some room I will take on the tyrant myself" She said with unyielding valor.

Swain stood behind the army waiting for Irelia to charge. He drew his blade has he takes a stance to parry the coming attack. With swiftness she comes down on swain with her blades drawn close to each other.

Irelia:" I Will take you down tyrant Swain"!!

Swain: "I'm waiting foolish girl"

She began to use her blades foe the offensive as she began to attack his head for the goal of severing it. He effortlessly dodged the first, however the more that came the harder it was for him to dodge. He charged forward against her blades as he used the blade and swept at her leg, cutting her leg. Sharp pain came from her leg as she could feel the blood begin to pour, however she did not falter.

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