Terror Beneath The Sands Part 2: Chapter 148 Arc 1 Shurima Saga

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Narrator pov

You jumped from the sands as you landed away from your original spot as you saw the other Xer'Sai creature move into the sands as you observed around the area to see the large Void creature gone from your vision. You jumped onto the sands of the Void as you tried hearing any noise or movements below.

Y/N:( They are below me. They are using their ability to dig underneath the surface to try and get the upper hand. But I can't hear them very well underground. I would have to get close to the ground if I wanted to know their true location.)

You quickly felt the sands move quickly as you jumped away more as the sand began to swirl down and the giant Void Creature roared out of the sands and overwhelmed your senses from the screech. You had to cover your ears from the shrill noise as you saw the blades drop to the sand as you jumped back as they were knocked back by the large creature.

Y/N: ( Damn it! That fucking noise! I can't deal with its screeching when it roars that loud in my ear. My weapons were knocked away too! I have to do something. Think, Y/N, Think!)

You jumped back into the cave as you heard the quick movements of the smaller void creatures moving towards you as you looked forward and saw the katana laying there as you grabbed it and faced the onslaught of creatures as you heard the roar of the bigger one scream to the others.

You quickly unsheathed the blade as you held it up as the creatures were now charging at you. You quickly ran through them as you cut them down one by one. Each of their bodies cut in half, or their throats slit open or their heads bisected as you destroyed each one that came into the cave.

Hoard upon hoard came into the cave like a mob as you were forced to fight multiple of them as they all screeched and growled in fit of anger and hunger. You saw the purple and green blood cover the blade as you felt your arm being bit down on as you swatted one of them off you and brought down the blade on its neck.

You began to watch their movements, slowly methodically. You noticed that there attacks were not coordinated and had little to know more forward thought other than to charge. Even the Void Serpent thing you fought a week or so ago had the brain power to at least try and shake you off while you beat into it.

Y/N:( Why are these things just launching themselves up at me? Are they made to do that? I don't know how to deal with all of these.)

You kept cutting through them as you felt more and more coming through the cave entrance. You felt the stinging pain of their teeth and nails as they sank into your flesh as you knocked them away from you. You quickly saw them move in quickly as you took a moment and used your brain for a moment.

Y/N:( I have to get out of here now!)

You charged through the hoard of purple creatures as you flipped over them and sliced them away. You took a few a bombs of the few you had left as you threw them behind you as you saw the fire and smoke engulf the remaining creature sent towards you. You made it to the entrance as you jumped from the cave onto the sands of the Underdark as you made your way fast towards a large rock.

You basically were skipping to get the movement from your quick and long strides as you were pretty much rocketing across the sands of the Void. Underneath your feet you felt the shifting sands get wicked as you jumped onto the large rock as you made your way to the top. Echoing screeches and distant growls of something not of this world was circling around the very spot.

You made it the peak of the large rock as you looked around for the blades. You saw them as they sat atop a large dune of sand as you looked down towards your body.

You were in ok shape, not bad, but not good either. Your left leg and arm both had bit marks and small scratches embedded into them as you felt up the rest of your body. Nothing too serious as you looked into the bag of explosives.

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