Beautiful Day, Sound Vs The Grand General Pt 3: Chapter 133 Arc 5 Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov

Many Months Ago

You sat amongst the grass and the plants as you sat on top of a hill as the sun was high up in the sky. You looked around the beautiful land as you saw creatures of all kinds fly around and run past from the ground below. Ionia's beauty was something so unreal it was hard to believe that you lived in its majestic land. You had a piece of fruit as you began to eat it as you put your legs out and just stared for a while.

Ahri: C'mon Irelia! Just let me have one more!

Irelia: You already had three! Let the rest of us have some too.

Ahri: But they are so good! Karma makes the best sandwiches, you have to let me have one more. PLEASE!

Akali: Hell no! I only had one and you want to eat even more, I think you should sit there watch me eat this one.

Ahri: No fair!

Akali: It's totally fair!

You didn't turn around as you already heard their bickering enough today as you just sat back on the grass and put your arms crossed onto your head as you looked up. You were under a beautiful fruit tree as it shaded you from the light up above. You closed your eyes and smiled as you felt the calmness of the day.

Y/N: I think a nap is in order.

You felt your mind at ease as you closed your eyes to try and sleep. Try, was the keyword as you heard some footsteps walk towards you and just let them pass by. You heard someone stop by you as they kneeled down and you heard a voice.

Ahri: Y/N! Tell Akali to stop being mean to me! All she has done is pick on me all day, its not fair, all because I ate more than her!

Akali: Don't listen to her, Y/N! She has only devoured everything since we got here! She's trying to make you take her side.

Ahri: Shut up! You don't know anything!

Irelia: Guys! I think he is trying to sleep!

Y/N: "Was" But now I guess I am up. What are you guys arguing about this time?

Akali: Ahri eats everything!

Ahri: Akali bullies me all day!

Y/N: Those don't sound like new revelations to me. Sounds like another day, but you two should stop, your friends, what's the use of getting under each other's skin like that?

Irelia: He's right, we should appreciate today, its too bad that Karma couldn't come, maybe we should have invited Yasuo?

Akali: Nah, the guy has the personal hygiene of a pig, I would rather not.

Ahri: And his breath always smells like alcohol.

Y/N:( Damn.)

Irelia: You should eat too, Y/N, before Ahri wants to have fourths.

Ahri: She's right- Hey!

Y/N: Yah, sounds like a good idea.

You crawled over to the blanket that Irelia had setup as you plopped your head back on the blanket as you weren't really hungry, but felt the impulse to eat anyway. You felt your head move as Ahri was letting you rest on her lap as you looked back up at her.

Ahri: Better?

Y/N: ... Yeah...

Ahri: Here, eat this.

She placed a piece of fruit in front of your face as you sighed and ate it as she smiled back at you. She had more fruit as she kept this up for a while as she was laughing and smiling as you were just laying there.

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