Explosive Vengeance, Together: Chapter 119 Arc 4 Finale Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov

You were standing in front of Talon as he stood up and looked back at you. You looked back to see Katarina breathing heavily as she was sitting next to the wall as she used it to hold her up better to get a good look at you and Talon.

Y/N: You ok?

Katarina: I'm fine... I want... No, I need to see this.

Y/N: I see. Then I will give you a show!

Talon:( So this is Y/N, the hero of Ionia. I've seen weird weapons before but... Sword nunchaku? Those cannot be in any way effective, right? Whatever, if Katarina couldn't beat him, then he is at least at my skill level. I have been waiting for this!)

Talon: It seems that we are finally getting the chance to fight. I was getting tired of fighting someone who doesn't understand the value of hard work.

Y/N: I wouldn't say that if I were you. Us humans are born into many different circumstances, we live our own lives and we find our own way to be happy and become something better. Katarina has worked hard to become what she is, I know that for sure. Don't insult her like you know anything about her.

Talon: Hmm, it seems that you two are in the same boat then, you were born with power and strength just like her. You were probably born into a nice home and a nice upbringing. You have no idea what I had to go through!

Y/N: That is why I don't talk like I know, unlike you.

Talon: Then show me what you are made of!

Talon dashed to you as he held two arm blades out as you were watching him dash to you.

Talon:( He's not even reacting! I knew it, this guy is all talk! All I have to do is end this quickly so I can kill Katarina and The Exile!)

Talon got close as he swung his arm towards you as the blade got close to your throat. Katarina looked in shock as she watched as Talon's blade was mere inches away.

Katarina: Y/N!

Talon:( I already got you! You're-)

Talon's thoughts stopped as he felt a fist connect with his face. He was launched back into the wall as he slammed into the wall and fell on his knees. He coughed up some blood as he looked back as you were still just standing there staring at him.

Y/N: Are you done?

Talon:( How did he hit me that quickly? I was only a few inches away from him! What kind of reflexes does he have?!)

Katarina:( I didn't even see him hit Talon. When did that happen?)

Talon: You fucker!

Talon dashed at you as he was trying to slice you with his arm blade. You dodged all the attacks as you sweeped under him and kicked him back. He slid a bit as he leaped towards you again as you dodged his quick attacks. He went for your eye as you ducked under the attacks and punched him in the stomach.

Talon: What the-

Y/N: Something wrong?

Talon held his stomach as you were just looking at him with an eyebrow raised. This pissed him off more as you took a stance with your blades out.

Y/N: My turn!

Talon could barely see you as you rushed him down. You clashed blades as he was barely able to dodge the attacks. He felt a sting as his leg got cut, and stumbled back. You vertically slashed as he blocked it with his blade. He was trying to fight for control as you were pushing down on his blades as you slammed him into the ground.

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