Wake up Call, Grand General's Manor: Chapter 100! Arc 2 Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov

The morning light breathed a breath of fresh air onto Noxus as the hustle and bustle of the busy streets could be heard all around. The light pierced in the Sworn Sword inn as the sound of movement could be heard in the right most room on the third floor. Inside was Akali as she slept peacefully in a rather large bed for herself. Her mind was at ease as a smile crept up on her face.


The door to her room opened with a slam as she was jolted awake and her hair looked like it went through a hurricane. Ahri was standing at the door as small tears were in her eyes. Akali just face palmed as she assumed that whatever this was going to be something really fucking stupid.


Akali: If this isn't either the greatest news I have ever heard, or the worst thing that could have possibly happened in existence, then I will turn you into a Vastayan pretzel. So tell me, Ahri. What is it that could possibly be so important?

Ahri: Y/N is missing!


Akali got and ran to your room as she kicked the door down with absolute force as she scanned the room for anything. She noticed that your swords were missing and that most of your clothes were still there but your weapons including the bombs and the set of Kunai Akali had given you were gone. She checked around the room as there was no sign of you anywhere.

Akali: Did you tell anyone else?!

Ahri: I did! They went out a little while ago. I looked around everywhere he could have been, but I'm sure that he is not anywhere!

Akali: His weapons are gone but his clothes are still here, which makes me think that someone took him!

Ahri: Who would want to do something like that?

Akali: Where the fuck do you think we are? We are in enemy territory, Ahri! Who do you think organized this whole thing!?

Ahri heard footsteps coming up the stairs as Irelia and Karma looked inside the room to see Akali and Ahri staring back at them. Irelia ran up to Akali and gave her a big hug as they both embraced for a moment.

Akali: I heard about what happened. Did you find anything?

Irelia...No. We looked around pretty much everywhere and nothing.

Karma: We need to wait for Sarah and Illaoi, once we get back we can try to do something else. And we still have the meeting to attend.

Akali: Are you fucking stupid?!

Irelia: Akali!

Akali: What about this makes you want to attend that meeting at all? They steal our boyfriend and what? You want to make peace with them?!

Karma: That is our goal, yes.

Akali: I don't know why I haven't slapped the shit out of you yet.

Ahri: Please Akali! we shouldn't be arguing right now!

Akali: What the hell is she on about?! We need to find Y/N and get the hell out of here and fight our own battle.

Karma: This is our battle.

Akali: Say that again.

Karma: I promised to come back to Ionia, when it is a safer place. Whether that be that I give myself up for that promise is depended on this meeting. We have all been planning for this for over 2 months, what good is it to go back on it?

Akali: Are you saying that Y/N being gone, maybe even dead is not as important.

Karma: He would have wanted us to move forward, this interaction with Swain is too important...

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