Recovery Training, Step Into The Darkness: Chapter 145 Arc 1 Shurima Saga

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Narrator pov

1 Week Later

Kai'Sa:( How has his body recovered so quickly?!)

Kai'Sa was watching you devour a hunk of meat as you were sitting next to the fire as most of your bandages were gone and you had all your hair down as you stared back at Kai'Sa. She moved closer as she inspected your wounds, as most of them were gone and let minimal scars if none at all.

Kai'Sa: Incredible.

Y/N: Hmm?

Kai'Sa: Nothing, anyway, since your body is looking much healthier it's time we talk about getting you and I out of here.

Y/N: Before that! I just wanted to say thank you for all you have done!

Kai'Sa: It's nothing really.

Y/N: No, I was going to die without your help, you saved and that means that I'm indebted to you and your cause.

Kai'Sa:... Well then, I guess it will make what we do next a little bit easier. I told you about a week ago that I had a plan to get us out of here, right?

Y/N: I sort of remember that, I was a bit loopy after all of that.

Kai'Sa: Well, then you will be the first to hear it. You see those things you were fighting, I call those voidlings, Void-Spiders. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes wherever you go, I've seen a ton of them. Here, look at this.

She handed you an open book as she flipped to a certain page as you saw that there was a picture, a very detailed picture, of the spider-like creatures you fought a week ago. There were all sorts of details about the creature written in Shuriman, which you knew well enough to understand what it was saying. You flipped over to the next page as it was a side view of a smaller one and many pictures of them in different, small variations of the same purplish color like the ones before.

Y/N: Did you draw this?

Kai'Sa: Yes, I need to make sure of what I know being down here. Down here is a game of cat and mouse with these creatures, I need as much info as I can get.

Y/N: You are very good at this. Anyway, what about these things are you showing me?

Kai'Sa: On that page there is a little note that I wrote. It states that these spider-like creatures tend to migrate quite often, in fact, from what I've seen it seems like they want to move in big groups.

Kai'Sa moved out of the tent for a moment as she brought in the body of the dead creature. It was a little decomposed but not enough for it to be really gross, only a little gross. You looked at it as Kai'Sa took a knife that looked hand made as she stabbed it into the creature's middle as she began to rip it open.

Kai'Sa: These things are...TOUGH!

She ripped through the middle as its guts spilled out a bit as you felt a waft of the smell come into your vicinity. It was some of the nastiest shit, you had ever smelled before in your life, worse than the rotten fish smell in Bilgewater's Slaughter Docks.

Y/N: Is there a particular reason you are ripping that thing open?

Kai'Sa: If I am correct, then this thing should have something within it's stomach. These creatures tend to have a much slower digestive system then most of the other ones around here...

Y/N: You got... Swallowed by one?

Kai'Sa: Things happen. I was weak back then... Not anymore.

She kept digging through as she saw the stomach as she ripped some of it out and she put her hand into the pit of its stomach. She began to fell around as she put her face even closer to it as she wiped away some of the blood and guts on her.

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