Understanding The Situation, Captain Fortune : Chapter 48 Saga 2 Arc 1

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The group walked up the the alter as the water cleared into a beautiful scene. Illaoi walked up and said a quick prayer as the water glistened and gleamed in the light of a new dawn. The new day had come and it was only a matter of time before things had to happen. Ahri was still gone and everyone needed answers.

The water glowed as a figure or a spirit came out of the water. She looked a lot like Illaoi only she was thinner and much older. Illaoi bowed to the spirit as the spirit smiled to her and walked closer, near the water's edge and spoke.

Illaoi: Hello Ancestor.

Ancestor: Priestess, you bring honor to your people.

Illaoi: I am humbled in your presence, Ancestor. Tell me, what has happened here?

Ancestor: Xa'tal, the false one, corrupted this temple. Her defeat has given us clarity.

Illaoi: Thanks to these brave warriors, she was driven out from this temple and hopefully never to return again.

Ancestor: But it was not she who disturbed our slumber. It was  . . . a man. Look into the water and see him.

The water rose as a perfect picture of a man's face could be seen.

The water rose as a perfect picture of a man's face could be seen

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Ancestor: He knew our Buhru ways. He took the heart of this temple.

Illaoi: Gangplank? Why would he steal from this temple?

Ancestor: After the temple was breached, our spirits gathered. The false one seized the advantage , preying on our confusion and drawing many to her side. She gained power quickly as she took our powers.

Illaoi: Rest now ancestor.

Ancestor: Yes, thanks to all of you, we will return  to the Mother Serpents hearth. But heed my warning . . . we sense a great Harrowing  to come. Trust in the Mother Serpent. Only she can push back the Black Mist.

The spirit disappeared into the water as the morning sun was fully upon the area. Illaoi looked back at everyone as she sighed in anger.

Braum:  Who is this Gangplank?

Y/N: I heard about him when we asked about the Jagged Hooks.

Illaoi: He was . . . an old friend. The former reaver king of Bilgewater. Sarah Fortune fought him  back to seize control over the city. She believed he was dead. I . . . did not expect to find him  here. And if he  brought back the Black Mist to Grey Harbor, he has allied himself with the shadow Isles . . . I fear for dark days to come.

Yasuo: I get that, but what's our next step.

Illaoi: Go on ahead I need to pray for a moment.

Everyone left as Illaoi dat by herself and prayed. You looked back and heard worry in her voice as you walked back as everyone left.

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