Sinister Blade Vs. The Blade's Shadow Pt 2: Chapter 118 Arc 4 Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov

Katarina held her blades as Talon pulled out a blade from his pocket. They both stared at each other, as they began to pace in circles around each other. Katarina felt no empathy, no love for him. No matter the lives they could have had, no matter the circumstances, she knew that he wronged her.

She quickly felt the scar over her left eye as she remembered it quite well. On the snow ridden battlefield, he failed to kill his target, just like she did. The confrontation turned violent, and just as Talon was about to kill her, she was able to tilt just enough to only cause a scar. That is when he stopped the fight and left.

Katarina:( Talon. Even I know that back then and even now, you see me as nothing but a bug on the side of your own victory, and I would have thought the same towards you if the roles were swapped, that is why you spared me. )

Talon:( Katarina. I wanted to try and understand you, but there is something you don't understand. You were born into greatness, and I was born from nothing. I used what I had to survive, while you did nothing! I will take that away from you. That thing that makes you special, I will take it!)

Katarina and Talon still walked around each other as suddenly, Talon leaped from his position and pulled out a blade on his arm as struck forward. Katarina barely had time to react as she was just able to hold her blades in an X form and they both clashed as she was forced back from the attack.

She kicked him away as she flipped a blade in the air and dashed towards him. Her attacks were fast, but Talon was faster. Each attack she attempted was met with futility as Talon either blocked the attack or dodged it completely. She swiped under him as he flipped over her and slammed his foot into her back as she fell to the ground.

Talon: Get off the floor, sister

Those last words were made with a vicious tone as Katarina got angry really quickly. She flipped up as she stared down Talon with a murderous gaze.

Katarina: Don't call me that! I'll kill you!

Talon: You still haven't!

Katarina rushed him down as she grabbed the blade on the ground as she went under him. Talon saw this coming as he took out another blade and turned around in a quick motion. He met her eyes as she tried carving into his back, as he met her blade and they both stared at each other.

Talon kicked her away as she slammed into the wall. She grabbed a long sword from the wall and moved quickly towards Talon. She was clashing with him as he was trying to deflect the blows from the weight of the bigger sword with his blades.

Talon:( Katarina doesn't have the strength I do, but she is creative and a much faster thinker than I am. Just by the amount of different angles she used to try and hit me, I can tell that she has something up her sleeve. I have to be careful.)

Katarina was still swinging around the long sword as the clanging and banging of each swing was causing Talon to shift back from his spot. Katarina was smiling on the inside as she felt the weight of each swing cause him to falter back.

She stopped for a moment, just enough for Talon to think she had energy left in her. He took this chance to thrust his arm blade forward. Only to be met with a Katarina already bearing her blade down on him. She cut his abdomen as he felt some blood pour from it.

Katarina:( The cut was deep, but not deep enough. He can still fight with an injury like that, I have to be on guard.)

Talon was looking at his wound as he looked on the floor to see blood on the floor, which caused him to look all the way back. He saw a blood splatter on the painting of Marcus. He sighed as he took off his hood and let his messy brown hair flow out.

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