Back In Business, Let's All Celebrate!: Chapter 91 Arc 5 Saga 2

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Narrator pov

Yone: I see. So that is all you discovered there?

Y/N: Pretty much.

You had just finished explaining the events of the room to Yone and Lillia as you were all walking back to the spring. It was almost the dead of night, but the light from the forest guided everyone back to the spot.

Yone: This is rather troublesome indeed. The way you described the woman, I don't think I know anyone like that. Nor would I know anyone who could help.

Y/N: That's what I figured. I mean it's not that I don't trust her though. Her voice was that of mystery and illusion, like I could barely wrap my head around her voice. But I know for certain that she was not lying. Stretching the truth, maybe. But I can tell when someone is lying, and she definitely wasn't.

Lillia: T-That's pretty useful. I wish I had an ability so I could not be s-shy.

Y/N: Just talk to people. It's not like someone is just going to hurt you or something. Trust me Lillia, you're not the weirdest thing I have seen, not even close.

Lillia: Thank you!

Yone:( Was that really a compliment?)

Y/N: Anyway, what I am more worried about is what she will do with the sword itself.

You pulled out the sheathed blade and handed it to Yone. Every time you held it you felt warm, like you were being bathed in the sun.

Yone examined the sword as he unsheathed it. The blade itself, from what he could tell, was exquisitely made. The blade itself was red and it had ancient Ionia written on it. He couldn't tell what it meant but he swore he had seen it before. It was light in his hand as he quickly swung it down. It had speed and power, but was light and precise. It was the perfect blade.

Yone: This blade... is amazing, simply put, the best blade I have ever seen. to think it was just sitting in a cave somewhere.

Lillia: That cave had super strong magical properties around it. There would have been no way to get in without that shard and that watch. That watch...

You looked back at the watch as you examined it a bit. It had a set of initials on it reading " Y.T". You didn't know anyone with those two letters in their first and last name. But it also felt familiar.

Yone: Y.T? I don't know anyone of that name.

Y/N: Me neither. It seems like it might be linked to something from the past. When I held it I... could feel the memories of someone, someone who lived a long time ago.

Yone: Memories?

Y/N:(I forgot that I hadn't told anyone about me seeing my ancestor. That was him in the memories, this must be his sword. But what about him saying about making the sword mine? He said something about one baked in the sun, which must be this one since I can feel the warmth from it. And the other, one frozen in lunar light, that must be the other one. Should I tell Yone about it?)

Y/N: Yah, for a second I saw a person in my head. He looked like a fierce warrior.

Yone: What did he look like?

Y/N: It... was brief, I couldn't see him very well, but he had the sword and a weird tattoo on his forehead.

Yone: I see... perhaps there is something in Ionia history that could point us in the right direction. Maybe Karma would know.

Y/N: Good thing I'm going back to the Placidium for the festival.

Yone: It's soon?

Y/N: Have you not looked at the moon? Look now!

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