Heavy Breathing, Paradise: Chapter 135 Arc 6 Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov

The heavy heat of the fire made your skin feel warm as you held onto the hilt of the blade that was still stuck in you. You placed your hand harder on the hilt as you counted to 3 as you quickly pulled the blade out as blood came out as you put your hands on the ground and breathed heavily.

Y/N: Fuck...That.

You looked forward to seeing Swain on the ground with both of his arms cut off as your swords were right next to you. You stood a bit as you were now crouching on the ground, but your legs refused to move any farther. You breathed in as you looked around and your vision was getting blurrier and it was harder to hear everything around you.

Y/N: I'm... Dying.... Shit...

You felt the blood on your body as you tried to get up, but to no avail as you grabbed the red sword and used it to prop yourself up just a little bit. You felt something heavy in the air as you looked towards the feeling of uneasy pressure.

Y/N: What the... Hell...

You looked to see Swain's right arm now land on the ground as the magic from the arm itself was not dying down. You felt nervous as you tried to walk away from it, but you could not move. You were crouched there just looking at it.

Y/N:( What should I do? Where is everyone? I have to make sure they are ok!)

You felt fear in your heart as you looked back to see the arm now pulsing with a dangerous glow, you felt this power surge as your eyes went wide. The arm was twitching up and down as the magic power began to swell within it. You knew this thing was bad news as you tried to move away.

Slowly you pushed yourself enough to get some distance between the arm and yourself as you grabbed your weapons. The arm was swelling until it began to glow a deep red as it was flashing the colors wildly as you looked away from it and started to move as fast as you could.


With the last of your voice, you ran as fast as you could as the red flashed on last time and the eruption of magic erupted throughout the entire area. The magic overflowed your senses as you felt the magic sting your whole body.

However, you held the sword in your hand as the dark black of the blade began to disappear into nothing as the original red hue of the blade returned. The blade flashed for a moment as all the magic that was spreading around the hand was now being converted to the blade.

Moments passed as all the magic was sucked into the blade as the blade a black color, and then returned to its regular hue as you crashed into a pile of rubble as you had the sword in your hand, and your blades at your feet.

Y/N: So... Tired.

You let your eyes close as you felt the warmth of the sun on your back, as the sun rose to vanquish the horrible night.

Minutes later

LeBlanc stood on top of a broken building as she looked around the broken capitol. The sun was bright for being so early in the morning, but that helped a lot as LeBlanc walked around and lifted up rubble and stone with her magic.

LeBlanc: All this destruction... Y/N, where are you!

LeBlanc called out your name as no response was given as she sighed and looked around even more. She heard some movement as she saw Irelia and Karma moving towards her, as they both had a look of worry.

Irelia: Have you seen him?!

LeBlanc: No, it seems that he is hiding somewhere good. I'm hoping that he at least got to safety, we can handle Swain later.

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