It's Just A See You Later, Not A Goodbye: Chapter 142 Arc 6 Noxus Saga Finale

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Narrator pov

You were standing before the floating man as you stood in front of him a few feet away. His aura of magic was dense, so much so that it almost fogged your sense of his presence in the first place, like an object not meant to be there in the moment. You tried to steel yourself, but nothing came to mind as you saw him hovering a few feet off the ground.

Y/N:( The prophet... Of what, what does he mean?)

Prophet: It seems like I have finally made my way over here, and with good time too. It seems the person I wanted to see has just placed himself in front of my wandering eyes. It seems like you understand as well~

Y/N: What are you talking about?!

Prophet: Please do not act like that, you have something that I want, and it was by the grace of the darkness down below, was I able to sense you from all the way from my home.

Y/N: Your home? Darkness down below? You are speaking absolute nonsense! What the fuck are you doing here! Answer me now before I blow you to fucking kingdom come!

The headache you had only got worse as you were staring at him. You felt his glare sink deep into your soul as it was hard to get a read on him entirely. You closed your eyes to listen to him and his soul.

Nothing. It was as if nothing lived within his soul, like a chest with nothing in it, it was even harder to understand this man. He held up his dagger as he pointed it towards you as he laughed and floated onto the ground.

He was not as tall as you, but his aura made him all the worse as the magic around him formed a shield like barrier around his whole body.

Prophet: I see, it seems like we can't reach a stand still. Maybe my demonstration of my power granted through the power of the darkness can truly show you how we stand with each other! Show me what you have.

You heard rapid footsteps as all of the girls came from the same hall as they all stood in shock as they saw the mysterious individual in the home of LeBlanc. LeBlanc fired a blast of magical power in his direction as it spun violently and landed on his shield which absorbed the entire attack.

LeBlanc:( Who the hell is this guy!? I couldn't even sense him in my own fucking home! Not to mention this aura around him is dangerous, even more so than Swain. Not to mention that fucking shield!)

Ahri: Who are you!?

Prophet: I am the prophet! Here to bless this world with the darkness. Let me show you what her grace has given us!

The man held out his hand as a chaotic array of purple and dark purple power resonated within his palm. He threw it towards everyone as it instantly blew up in a massive explosion of purple energy. You were launched back into the wall as you coughed up blood. You stood up to see him walk out of the smoke near you

Prophet: Do you see?

Y/N: All I see is a guy waiting to die right in front of me!

You charged at him as you quickly slashed all around as you saw that the shield was deflecting most of the blows from him. The prophet started to float once more as he kicked you back and snapped his fingers.

Prophet: My Children! Go forth for your prophet!

You saw how small portals opened all over the ground. You heard wriggling and scratching as small purple creatures came out. Each of them had different shapes and sizes, some that didn't make any biological sense. They screamed and roared as dozens of them appeared within the hallway.

Irelia: What... Are those things?

Prophet: They are my followers, the children of her grace. They have been blessed to obtain what they want, when they want it.

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