Find Ahri, Grey harbor's realm: Chapter 44 Saga 2 Arc 1

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Narrator pov

Four hours after Ahri left 

The Night was cold as the wind blew into the sea town. The sun was on its way to rising as only a few hours stood between night and day. You could feel the echoing whispers of the wind as you slept. You were cold, you felt that the warmth you had before was gone. You opened your eyes to see the darkness of the room instead of the white fur you were used to. You sat up looking for Ahri, nowhere to be seen.

Y/N:( She must have to do something. I shouldn't worry too much.) 

You listened for the sound of her heartbeat. With all the time you spent around the girls you can easily recognize their heart beat sound. Each different like a melody that only you could hear.

Nothing. No sound.

You got up quickly as you looked around the room

Y/N:( Is she not here?)

You looked down to see the ring Karma gave her broken and shattered to pieces. You picked it to that no magic resonated within it anymore. This scared you, she wore this everywhere she never took it off, she didn't have the option of taking it off.

Y/N:( Did it break? That must be it, she couldn't have broke it. That still doesn't answer the question. Ahri, where did you go?)

Y/M: Irelia, Akali wake up!

They both sat up as they looked at you with tired in their eyes.

Akali: What's wrong?

Irelia: *Yawn* Did you have a nightmare?

Y/N: Ahri is gone. She left her ring here as well.

They both looked with surprise as they were now both wide awake. They both up as you showed them the broken ring in your hand.

Irelia: This is the ring Karma gave her, it was to help stop her urges. Why would she leave it here, and why is it broken.

Akali: She must have done it. The magic might have been weakening for a while and it could no longer hold onto her power. Do you know where she went maybe?

Y/N: I can't hear her anywhere she must have left awhile ago.

Irelia: I will go tell Yasuo, you two get ready to go.

She ran into the other room as you put back on your normal attire, Akali walked up to you and put her mask on.

Akali: What would make her do something like this. Wait, Y/N let me something.

Before you could put on your shirt Akali looked at your chest as she noticed multiple claw marks that weren't completely faded.

Akali: She must have had dream or something, you were hurt here and she must have healed it back before she left.

Y/N: I hope she's safe, Ahri is strong but from what I've heard there are much stronger things here then we even thought about.

Akali: I'm going to slap the mess out of her once we find her.

Y/N:( Was it me?)

Yasuo came into the room already ready to go as he swigged the last big of alcohol from his gourd.

Yasuo: The merchant said Grey harbor was the place that the buyer went to after he bought it. If we need to start anywhere then that's where we go.

You wrapped the headband back on again as you jumped out of the window and onto a nearby roof of a building. Everyone did the same as you all ran towards the center of Bilgewater. For such a big island Bilgewater was not as big as lot of people thought. Akali brought up her map as she looked for Grey Harbor on the map.

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