The Fox's Lament, The King: Chapter 55 Arc 2 Saga 2

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Ahri pov

We ran through the forest as the explosions stopped and nothing could be heard. I was worried, Y/N The type of person to risk his life for something greater, I have known that ever since we fought against Zed. Illaoi was leading as she stopped and saw little girl running towards us.

Miss Fortune pulled out her gun as she pointed it at her.

Miss Fortune: Who the hell are you?!

Irelia: Its just a little girl, don't point that thing at her.

???: I-I was trapped i-inside the hole over there, by a spider l-looking creature. A man walked in and saved me and told me to leave. He is still in there, when I left.

Illaoi: What did he look like?

???: He was tall and wore very weird clothes.

Yasuo: That's him alright.

I rushed down the hole as the dirt and the stone was ripped apart and it was partially destroyed.

The room was destroyed as people and skeletons were all lying on the floor dead and hurt. I looked around to see Y/N Laying against the wall as his body was covered in patches of purple. I ran over to him and listened to his heartbeat, it was very slow. The others entered as they all ran over to him as well.

Akali shook him as Irelia was checking his pulse.

Akali: Y/n?! Wake up, come on!

Irelia: HIs heartbeat is slowing down.

Miss Fortune: He's been poisoned, look at the purple along his body.

Illaoi: Does anyone have a way of extracting it?

Braum: Braum does not.

Yasuo just shook his head.

I tried healing back the wounds but his heartbeat was still very slow. He was gonna die soon if we didn't do something. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes again, it was the same as before. When I stay I hurt them, when I leave I hurt them by making them worry. I was so useless before now what am I? I just wanted to not make them worry. I could feel my magic pouring out as a spark of blue flame emitted from my fingers. It covered Y/N's body as it was set a flame in a blue light.


Akali: Ahri, stop!

But he had no pain nor burns on his body, instead the purple as burning away as the shade faded and his body was left with no poison left.

Braum: You burned out the poison.

Ahri: I did?

Y/N pov

I felt my body shaking as I opened my eyes slowly I looked to my hand and there a huge ass spider on it. I freaked out and opened my eyes fully and shook my hand around to get it off of me.


Everyone: Y/N!


I felt a tight embrace as everyone but Yasuo was embracing me tightly. I could feel my lungs give way as the cuts and wounds on me were still present. However just like previous, all of their breasts were pressing against me. It was heaven, besides the pain.

Y/N: Please . . . let .. . go

They all let go as I breathed in deeply and looked to see Ahri staring at me with in her eyes. I smiled brightly as I hugged her.

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