The Girls, Karma's Dedication: Chapter 107 Arc 3 Noxus Saga

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Within the capitol, Swain was staring down on his balcony as he looked to the morning sky and all the people walking outside. Noxus, no matter how you looked at it, was an interesting system, its people understood it well and worked to achieve the goals that Noxus set upon each and every citizen. Swain knew this, even from childhood, he understood his place in Noxus, the one to set Noxus to brand new heights, something the previous leader could never do.

Swain stood proud over his city, no, his country as he laughed to himself as he walked back into his library and sat down in his chair, as he grabbed the book he was reading as he continued to read. A knock on his door alerted him, but he was still reading the book.

Swain: Come in.

The door opened as Talon walked in with Karma by his side. She was wearing Noxian clothing as her hair was completely down as she was staring down at the floor. Swain smiled at her as he stood up and walked to his desk.

Swain: Leave us, Talon.

Talon: As you wish.

Talon left as Karma looked back at Swain as she had no emotion on her face as Swain was sitting at his desk.

Swain: Take a seat.

Karma: Thank you.

Karma sat down across from him as he pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote some things down on the paper as he didn't even look up at Karma

Swain: Are you getting ready for your speech in a few days?

Karma: Yes, I am getting closer to completing the speech.

Swain: Good, I'm glad that you are being very complacent with all you had to do this week. I mean, it's hard to just tell someone to make a speech to the people of the warring country, that you are giving yourself up to make peace for their own country, don't you agree?

Karma: I would... i agree.

Swain: I'm glad. How are your "friends" doing? Are they still mad about everything?

Karma:... I haven't spoken to them since last time.

Swain: I need you to go down and speak to them.

Karma looked in surprise as she stood up from her chair and slammed her hands down on the desk. Swain still did not look up from Karma as he still was writing something down.

Karma: Are you serious!

Swain: Do I look like I would ever joke to you?

Karma: But-

Swain: Don't be foolish, if they know what is good for them, they will listen to you. Tell them that in a few days, when Noxus celebrates its anniversary of becoming a nation, that they will attend the party as you announce the peace between our nations. If they don't agree, well let's hope it never gets to that.

Karma's guilt and regret were all swelling within her, she wanted badly to say no, and just leave, but that would just leave her in the same place she was almost 5 days ago. She nodded to Swain as she walked out of the room. She walked down through the hallways with guards at her sides as they walked by her side.

Karma walked down a set of stairs into a darker place of the manor as both guards flicked a lever as torches along the wall turn on one at a time. Karma walked down the hall as she made her to the end of the wall. She walked to the end where a large door was. The guard to her left opened the door as she walked in.

The room itself was quite nice, there were nice beds and there was nice lighting inside. She looked forward to seeing a barrier between two sections of the room, she was on the smaller section as she closed her eyes once more. She opened them to see her friends all sitting together. She coughed to get their attention, which got none of theirs except Ahri.

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