Irelia and Akali Vs. The Spear of Vengeance: Chapter 73 Arc 4 Saga 2

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Narrator pov

More crashes and explosions echoed through the area. At the same time as Illaoi and Braum's fight on a different ship Akali and Irelia were standing in front of the spirit woman named Kalista. She stood there with her spear in her hand as the spear through her chest glowed ominously and she stared down them both.

Kalista: ...

Irelia: ( What is she planning? More then that, who is she? We've never seen her before in Viego's command. She is obviously has some skills in that spear, but that spear... That must be how she died however long ago.)

Irelia was cautious about the girl as she spun her spear as she walked closer to them. All three of them were on the starboard of the boat as Akali pulled out her kama and started to spin it and held some kunai in her other hands with the grip of her fingers.

Akali: If you don't want talk I understand. But all these shitty ghosts are pissing me off. Let's see if you respond to this!

Akali rushed down Kalista as she held her spear tight.

Irelia: Akali! Don't just rush at her!

Akali: If she won't come to us. Then we will just have to show her our strength!

A flash of blistering speed occurred as both Akali and Kalista were on the opposite side of each other. Kalista had her spear out as Akali had her kama out and they were both standing with their weapons out. Akali coughed up blood as she looked down to see a wound on her stomach where Kalista stabbed her with the spear.

Irelia: Akali!

Kalista: Come... we shall settle the score.

Akali:( What was that?! I saw her move, but I couldn't move to deflect the attack. She's fast, but more importantly. Her technique with a spear.)

Akali rushed Kalista as they got close and clashed. Akali spun her kama to hit her as she quickly deflected it with her spear. Akali went offensive as she kept spinning her kama to hit Kalista, but every hit either missed or was parried by her spear.

Kalista flipped the spear in her hand as she went on the attack as Akali was desperately trying to block her attacks. Her technique was too much as Akali was getting nicked by small stabs as Akali jumped back and threw a kunai and Kalista hit away with her spear.

Akali: What a monster.

Irelia slapped her on her head as Akali looked back at Irelia.

Akali: What the hell!

Irelia: I told you, we need to figure our her abilities and find her weakness. Instead you rush in like a fool!

Akali: I was scouting her out, no amount of standing here is going whether or not we will get our butts kicked. I already have an idea about her though.

Irelia: What is it?

Akai: She's... really good with that spear.

Irelia: Wow, couldn't have guessed. What next? You'll tell me she's a female too?

Akali: That's not what I mean. Spears as weapons have two uses, two hand combat or thrown combat. If my speculations are right, she shouldn't be able to use her spear with any range.

Irelia: We will have to test that one out.

Akali: I'm already on it.

Akali threw shurikens and kunai and lighting speeds as they all came towards Kalista. She kept spinning her spear as all the projectiles were being deflected by the spinning weapon. One kunai was about to hit her as she ducked under it and spun her spear in her hand. She held back as she threw it with tremendous force. It sailed through the air about to hit Akali as Irelia blacked the weapon her blades and stood in front of Akali.

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