Confessions Of Sound And The Exiled: Chapter 109 Arc 3 Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov

You and Riven were now sitting inside a small restaurant as one of the servers brought you both a plate of what looked like some kind of tempura dish. You had walked through the smaller village as you noticed a bag of gold inside one of the pockets, you thought it would only be reasonable to use some money to make sure you had the strength to keep going. Riven began to eat as you sat with your arms on the table.

Y/N: We should eat quickly, I would rather not stay in a place like that for long, especially since we are not technically supposed to be alive.

Riven: Right... The best thing we can do is make sure we are ready for anything that comes our way. Which reminds me, what is our plan for now?

Y/N: We head to the capitol, once we get there we get my weapons and my clothes and we go find my friends.

Riven: Wait, you want to go into the capitol?!

Y/N: Yes? I mean, what is our other option? You said you wanted to go back to Ionia, so the best thing we can do is get the people who can take you there.

Riven: I thought we would just hitch a ride near the capitols port city. I guess maybe I was being a bit optimistic. Getting anywhere without a fight is going to be a challenge.

Y/N: Which leads me into a question. Why do you want to go back to Ionia? I said I wouldn't pry so you don't have to answer, but some more trust between us would help.

Riven breathed out as she set down her utensil. Her thoughts started to gather into more focused and clear images as she tightened her grip on the table.

Riven: I was a Noxian soldier, and I climbed the ranks over the years. As a reward for my duty, I was given this blade from the last leader of Noxus, Boram Darkwill. I was sent to Ionia during the massive wars many years ago.

Y/N:( She must have been fighting during the time when Irelia was fighting as well.)

Riven: We were on the way to another fight with a new chemical weapon we had obtained, when we were ambushed. The chemical was released and all my comrades were killed, I only survived due to the sword, its magic casted a shield around me.

Y/N:( Chemical weapons? What kind of thing is that dangerous? More importantly... Where did they get something like that?)

Riven: After that, I couldn't stand fighting for something where the concern of the soldiers is nothing. I wanted to break the sword, get rid of it forever. There was only one person I could find that had the ability to break it.

Y/N: Elder Souma?

Riven: How did you know?!

Y/N: I made an educated guess. Thinking about it now, there could only have been one person to teach you the wind breathing style, that wasn't Yasuo.

Riven: You know him too?!

Y/N: We're good friends, I haven't seen him since he left... To look for you.

Riven:... He has the right to do so, I killed his master many years ago.

You looked at her with wide eyes as you made your hand into a fist as you squeezed tightly. You breathed out as you let her finish her words.

Riven: We attempted to break it, but the magic sealed inside the blade was too much. Its power exploded as the shards of metal were all broken away. When it all cleared... he was dead, I didn't know what to do. So I ran...

Your grip eased up knowing that while she killed him, she was no murderer. You drank a bit of the milk in the cup as you sighed.

Y/N: I see...

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