True Demonic Power, Arrival Of Sound: Chapter 130 Arc 5 Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov

LeBlanc was staring down Swain as all she could was this reoccurring darkness from before. This feeling was not unnatural, at least not for her. For years she lived under tyranny and the unjust rule of tyrant after tyrant, the first being the first time she had ever had fear in her life. This uneasy feeling came back as Swain stood in front of all the girls as wings sprouted from his back and his body was producing electric eldritch power.

LeBlanc:( This strength, this is from the demon. Raum, what the hell kind of demon can give a human so much of its own power. Imagine what would happen if it took over him completely. I can't be thinking of those things, not now. Right now we have to focus on defeating him. Y/N, where are you?!)

Swain: I see, so this is the true power of Raum, I like it!

Irelia hesitated, her hands were shaking as she tried guiding her blades but they also shook with her hands. She could feel the power resonating around him as she could only get into a fighting stance for a fight.

Irelia:( This aura is so potent. It's like I'm swimming in a hurricane of power. I have to keep my focus and make sure to not go down! We have to-)

Her thoughts were interrupted by Swain as he was faster then she thought as he grabbed her mouth with his right hand and looked down at her. He looked at her as she couldn't comprehend his speed as she only looked back at him.

Swain: I would like to thank you for something, girl. While our fight all those years ago was brief, I would love to thank you for departing my poor arm, in many ways this would not at all be possible without our little scuffle all those years ago, and for that you have my thanks. Unfortunately that appreciation has ended now, and you can finally be departed from this mortal realm.

Akali: Irelia!

Akali dashed quickly towards Irelia as she grabbed the hilt of her sword as she breathed in deeply.

Akali: Thunder Breathing, First Form: Thunderclap and Flash

She dashed forward as she was right above his left side as she slashed down onto his left arm.


Akali looked down to see that her blade was right on his demonic arm as the blade didn't leave a single mark on it. She tried pushing down on it but it had no give to it at all. It was like swinging a sword on a piece of metal.

Akali:( My sword didn't even graze him. What the hell is up with his arm!? At the speed I was going I could easily slice apart a stone, but his arm is stronger than that?!)


Akali looked to see Swain's hand point at her as she instinctively moved her body left to avoid the attack. But the attack was too large as a blast of pure red and black energy shot out of left hand and it hit her side as she was sent flying into a wall and she fell to the ground.

Akali: What.... The fuck... Was that?

She tried getting up but she felt this current of magic flow through her body as the red energy formed electricity around her constricting her movements. She got up slowly as she barely had any strength in her body. Swain looked back at Irelia who was looking at Akali as he pushed her head closer to his and spoke.

Swain: Now, where were we?

Riven: You bastard!

Illaoi: Right with you!

Katarina: Me as well!

The three of them ran forward as they ran towards Swain with Irelia still in his grasp. He threw her to the side as he held out his left hand for a moment as a ball of black energy formed as he threw it into their direction. They ducked under it as it blew apart the wall behind them leading to other parts of the manor.

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