The Sound Of Victory, Kayn's Requiem: Chapter 31 Arc 3

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Narrator pov

Explosions echoed the hall as The Darkin keep slashing at You. Your brain felt in shambles, what felt like hours was only a few minutes. Rhasst kept up with you as every clash, every slash was met with equal force and will power. Rhasst jumped back in the air kept throwing out the blood slashes as the stairs and most of the room was mostly destroyed.

Rhasst:( I have to this end fucker quickly, I am burning through the blood I used too much. Anymore extreme attacks I have to guarantee that they hit or I will have used them all for nothing.)

Y/N: ( I have to endure these attacks, I need to continue destroying his body with bigger attacks. I have to keep my breath up or I will end up losing this fight.)

Rhasst: I have had  enough of this! You fucker, you think you can defeat a Darkin, your just a human, nothing more. Your kind has been  a pain to me and my kind, If only the trickster didn't find a way to seal us a away. I could have destroyed this pitiful world, I could have ruled over this world with the rest of my brothers.

Y/N: Don't talk down on us like that you, freak.  I will show you the power that us humans have cultivated over hundreds of years. We might not b immortal or have a deep connection to nature, but we have grit, and that what I will use to kick you ass.

Rhasst got real mad at the comment as he Kicked you up into the air as you spun around in the air. You landed at the top of the room where the outside was and the moon was still in full view. You feel back onto the top as you coughed up some blood.

Your wounds weren't fatal ,but the amount of power you have to exert just to keep up with him was hard. Your cuts were deep but none were close enough to your vitals to justify covering them enough in the little time you had to gather your thoughts.

Rhasst exploded out of the middle of the room and into the moon light. He tried to crash into you with his blade but you rolled out of the way. You launched yourself back into a fighting position. He slices wildly in anger, he was still fast so some cuts got close to you and one hit you in your shin. 

You grabbed the hilt of one blade and went on the offensive.

Y/N: Fifth Form: String Performance

You swing them wildly as both the scythe and the cleaver clashed against each other. He tried swinging at your head, in a flash you ducked down and sliced vertically and it exploded on his chest destroying most of it. He stumbled back as the wound took longer to heal, but still pretty fast.

Rhasst: I have had enough of this. I will take you down now ONCE AND FOR ALL. 

He jumped high into the sky as he held up his scythe . A dark red energy formed around it and his body started to glow the same color.

Rhasst: Darkin Blood Art: Realm of the Dead, Splitting Hell.

A dark red slash of red energy bigger then all of them combined was sent barreling towards you.

Y/N:( Brace that attack, Y/N. I have to make sure that I can nullify the attack with something as well. I will have to try something new.)

You breathed in heavily as veins popped out from your arms and head. There was only one thing you wanted to do. Destroy this bastard. You could hear your heartbeat as you and the heartbeat were one.

Y/N: Seventh form: Clanging Scales

You fully released most of the magic within your body into a vertical slice that split even the sound around the air.

You felt both blades impact the red energy, as blinding energy took over your vision. The explosion was a huge red and orange spectacle as the entire monetary shook with the force. The top was completely obliterated as the room itself collapsed in on the wieght of the attack.

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