Introductions, Sickness Or Health: Chapter 144 Arc 1 Shurima Saga

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Narrator pov

You felt your eyes open slowly as you heard the crackling of a fire as you opened your eyes fully to see the ceiling of a tent. You turned your body to the left as you saw that there was a large pot sitting atop a large fire as no one was in the direct area. You saw your weapons sitting upright against a pack full of things.

You held your head as you tried to sit up, to your surprise you had no strength in your body to even do that. You just laid back on the large blanket as you felt your body start to get warm, incredibly warm. You were sweating hard as you started to breathe harder as you felt your vision get worse. You took off the blanket on you as you saw more bandages all over.

Y/N( Who is helping me? Whatever, it feels like I am going to die. What is this?)

You heard some footsteps as you saw a girl armor on as she flipped some hair out of her face as she put down a body of the creatures you saw. She looked towards as she ran over towards you and stood over you.

???: You're awake! You need to sleep more, your body is hurt!

Y/N: You are... Kai'Sa, right?

Kai'Sa: I'm glad you remembered my name, but right now you are hurt bad and... Wait.

She got really close as she put her forehead to yours as you felt how soft her skin was. She removed it as she took out a bottle of water as she brought it to your face.

Kai'Sa: Drink.

Y/N: What?

Kai'Sa opened your mouth quickly as she poured the water down your throat. You almost choked and threw it all up, but you were quick so it all went down your throat as you coughed some of it.

Y/N: What the...

Kai'Sa: I figured as much, your body is not used to the Void, so you developed a sickness from being exposed from all the shit down here. I am not actually surprised either, the amount your body was exposed was much more then the people who make it out.

Y/N: I am so confused. First, where the hell am I?

Kai'Sa: You don't know? Who are you?

Y/N: I am Y/N Uzui! I was born in Ionia and I lived my life as a ninja until I became a hero. I was at Noxus saving the entire country until some bastard calling himself the prophet sent me here! I don't even know where I am!

Kai'Sa: Noxus, that is quite a journey I've heard. But this prophet, I have never heard of him, he seems very familiar though. Since you trust me by giving me your story I shall give you mine. Please, drink more of the water.

You sipped some of the water she gave as she sat near you as she took a towel and put it into a pan of water as she applied to your forehead.

Kai'Sa: My name is Kai'Sa I was born in Shurima where I lived with my mother and father. When I was 10 I was sent into the Void where I have lived ever since.

Y/N: That thing on you... Is that...

Kai'Sa: Yes, it is a part of me, just like I am a part of it. I have been for many years, it is disgusts then I am sorry.

Y/N: I was just wondering... I don't mind it, because you have such a pretty face I can focus on, I don't really have to notice the suit~




Y/N:... Anyway.... Thank you for taking care of me... I don't know how to thank you.

Kai'Sa: Just stop fighting those things for now and rest up, right now we have bigger things to deal with. As of now, we have no way of getting out of here.

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