A Ninja's Resolve: Chapter 8 Arc 2

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(Y/N) pov

Days have passed since Akali has accompanied me and Ahri, her presence very early was very small. With Ahri it is pretty easy to attempt small talk and a fun conversation, however with Akali she gave little to no effort in continuing conversations besides a small thought or a word or two. 

Y/N:(I know she isn't trying to be mean with how little she talks, but maybe she really doesn't have anything that really interests her, or maybe she has nothing to comment on in these conversations.)

There are also notable difference between Ahri and Akali. While Ahri walked and talked like a wandering spirit, Akali walked with a clear goal and took very little attention around us. Maybe she had seen this place so much that she didn't care for it that much.

Ahri: Look, The Placidium!

I looked up from my thoughts to see a huge hill. All along the it were beautiful gardens and plant life. at the top was a huge building where multiple other finely crafted buildings sat along side it(reminded me of almost a magical university in a way)

Akali: Yup, this is where the sacred battle of Navori was 10 years ago. They say almost every scholar in Ionia has been here at least one time in their life, or should anyway.

Y/N:  So what is the Placidium exactly? I've heard many stories of the battle but why here, what is so sacred about this place?

Akali: Really you don't know?

Me and Akali began climbing the stairs of the Placidium as she started to explain the land we are on.

Y/N: No, I mean I was isolated from a lot of history of Ionia, I know a few things but they vary and I'm sure about how important the information really is.

Akali: Well The Placidium of Navori is its full name. It is the sacred site of Ionian Harmony.  Over countless centuries, Ionians have journeyed here to study at renowned schools, or meditate in its wild, magical gardens.

Y/N: Then why even fight at this place if its supposed to be extremely sacred?

Akali: Many of Ionia's most successful diplomats have spent at least some time studying at the Placidium. Undoubtedly, this was why it became such a tempting target for the invading armies of Noxus. It was at the Placidium that the people of Ionia finally took up arms against their Noxian enemies. But the cost of that day's victory was immense, and some now question if fighting back was the right decision, since the harmonious balance of their homeland may have been lost forever. 

Y/N: The balance?

Akali: Ionia is a font of magic, which means that both the physical realm, the one we are in, and the spirit realm, where spirits lie, are bound together very loosely. Which means that the nature of Ionia is directly tied to the magic as well since the line of division is so thin here. When the Noxians attacked this place it meant that because of the thin line of magic, the balance of that power has been shifted, with that comes more dangerous and destructive magic from the spirit realm. Things like Quinlons have been made to contain that wild and destructive magic.

Y/N: So that's why everything feels so connected here. So there must be a person or a thing that can judge that balance correct?

Akali went silent as her head went down and her grip on her arm was tightening

Akali: There is such a organization, They are called the Kinkou Order. Their mission is to preserve the balance of Ionia so that life can remain in peace with each other.

Y/N: You said you were a part of right Akali?

Akali: I am sort of . . . me and the order had a falling out in terms of their conditions and requirements. While I still remain a part of their group, I won't let them decide what is best for Ionia, especially now that things are getting out of hand.

Y/N: Out of hand?

Akali: Magic and people are not  mixing to well, and word has spread that Noxus plans to attack again, this time with a more organized and powerful army. The kinkou order are planning to let those rumors go, they said that even if it happened . . .  that this is what will save the balance of Ionia. The death of thousands

Y/N; That's why you left, isn't it Akali? You wanted to defend this realm, right?

She looked back at me with a mixture of sadness and anger was written on her face she  let go of her kama.

Akali: I will protect Ionia from bastards that take the lives of whoever they want!

Y/N:(She's just like me.)

A smile forms on my face as I grab her shoulder and smile at her

Y/N: You really are  hero aren't you Akali?

She looks back at me and quickly turns her head away

Akali: Yeah, yeah whatever. I'm glad I was able to tell someone this anyway, but you seem trust worthy enough.

Y/N: I'm glad you see me as a friend

Akali: Let's just hurry up, Ahri is definitely close to the top right now

Y/N: You're right! Let's go

We both started to quickly run up the stairs as we sorry running a little bit slower but definitely much farther then us.

Akali pov

Akali:( I can't believe I said all of those things to him, what is wrong with me!)

I look back at Y/N who was running with me up the stairs of the Placidium. He looks back at me with a smile on his face. I quickly look back and put my hand over my mask, as I felt a blush spread across my face.

Akali:(Maybe going with these two was a good idea.)

I thought back to my argument with Shen before I left.  The words I said may have not been the best, but I now understand that it had to be said.

Akali:( If he thinks I'm a hero, I need to start acting like one then)

Shen pov

I walked through the temple as my thoughts overtook my ideas of the previous meeting

Shen: ( If a Noxian invasion does indeed happen then I will need to tell the other members not to interfere. Especially Kennen, if he knew something this big was coming he definitely won't listen to me before nor after. I need to make sure the shard is ok)

I walked into my room as I talk out the box containing the shard. I opened the box to find a note where the shard last was.

Shen: The Shard!  who could have taken It?

I opened the letter to find exactly who could have taken it

Dear Mister Eye of Twilight

I am pleased to announce that your ignorance of the problems at hand have lead me to believe that you care not for the dreams or the people of Ionia. With that judgement in mind I have taken the stone and I'm now going to do more with it then any of your plans with it could have ever done. I will make sure that the Kinkou order will more things to discuss after this power has gone to good use.

With regards-Euros

P.S If you see boy with White hair and very weird clothes then tell him Euros Says HI!

I looked wo the letter with anger but also disappointment

Shen: That shard cannot be allowed in the ends of mad men like him. I will make sure that he  won't be able to use this power for anything ever again.

(A/U) I wanted a more plot character driven chapter so here it is. I'll try for more chapters every day but with the way the plot is going I'm making pretty good progress. Next chapter will also have more plot but a lot more characters are also going to show up so get ready for that!

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