The Vault: Chapter 56 Arc 2 Saga 2

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Narrator pov

They entered the vault as the dust and the darkness was illuminated by the outside light. Vault was definitely the right word for it as everything looked a place someone would store large of amounts of the blessed waters would be.

The room was alit by Ahri's fire as the group looked around. The Blessed isles banner and other assorted sign and symbols still held on by barely. Torn and destroyed the thousand of years of ware and tea caught up as the place look deserted and the room felt dark and cold as it chilled your senses to the bone.

You kept reading the book from the library as the group investigated rooms to look for any Blessed water left and to save Maokai's roots. The more you read the more intrigued you became.

The book itself was written under the title but the wear of it left it unreadable. The book talked about the hearts of man and beast, that music and the soul are connected in many ways. It talks about the history of magic and the origin of music. 

Y/N:( What does Music have to do with a person's soul?)

The book answered the question as it explained that just like a dance, fighting was the same. With practice and constant usage one could theoretically turn  a person's movement and attacks and the sound of their soul into music. It was all very confusing as some of the words were still broken down and destroyed, but it still made no sense and gave no word of advice for doing this ability that they called "Musical Score"

Y/N: I hate books like these. There's nothing I can even get from this. Except the music origin part.

Yasuo: You have been reading that ever since we made it over here. Anything about it that's "that" interesting?

Y/N: no, just some stuff about music.

Illaoi: Everyone over here!

You all walked over to to a center area with a circle and a dip in the floor. A mass of mist and shadow. It was a congealed mass as echoes and whispers could be heard as the whispers got louder as everyone got closer.

Ahri looked around to see stones lodged into the wall of certain areas. They looked a lot like the sunstones before. Her sunstones around her neck were reacting and glowing to the other stones around the room

Ahri: The marking and stones around the room... they are reacting to my sunstones. Is the work of the Vesani.

She walked up to one of the stones on the wall nearest to her. Hers and the one on the wall began to glow as she looked towards her

Ahri: I've carried these stones with me since I was a new one. They've been my only connection to the past, since my memories. They seem like... These stones aren't just artifacts... they are vessels! For memories. There is very little energy in them anymore.

Illaoi: It was no coincidence then.

Ahri: No, My ancestors, the Vesani... they were somehow tied to the blessed vaults. In ways I still don't understand.

Illaoi: The keys to your past grant insight into your future. Let us see what destiny has in store, vastaya.

Ahri looked back at the dark mist surrounding the circle as Maokai's roots were under the dark power.

Ahri: His roots. The mist withers them, feeds on them.

Illaoi: That sinister power lurks here. More then just the Black Mist.

Ahri: We must eliminate then. Lure it out!

Pyke walks up to it and cuts his hand a bit as the blood leaked onto the floor. As tendrils wiped at the blood as the dark mass began forming into a black tendril like monster. It emerged from the ground. It was a black octopus monster with black tendrils as the mist was surrounding it. t roared in anger as it slammed its tendrils every where, as debris flew around and crashed down everywhere.

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