Party Time, Words From The Crew: Chapter 122 Arc 5 Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov

Illaoi was walking in the hallway as guards were on both of her sides. She was wearing a more traditional Noxian dress which has both sleeves gone, since the original had sleeves too small for her arms. She was walking next to Sarah as she was also wearing the same dress as she was wearing but with sleeves included.

Illaoi: I don't think you guys need to walk us down the hallway like we're your bride or something.

Guard 1: We have to. Swain's orders.

Guard 2: You would probably make not that good of a bride anyway. I don't even know any guy that would want a girl towering over him, HAHAH!

Illaoi: I wouldn't want a man who's dick is probably smaller than my pinkie finger.

The guard hushed up real quick as Sarah started to laugh and she walked with Illaoi as she playfully elbowed her.

Sarah: Good one!

Illaoi: Learned from the best.

Ahri: I can't believe they are making us do this!

Ahri, Akali and Irelia were also walking down together as there was three guards with them, two in the back and one in the front. Akali kept kicking the guard in the shin as he held his breath at her attacks.

Akali: Let's just get this over with.

Guard 3: You five are lucky that is even happening. A bunch of bumpkin Ionians attending a party for the elite of the elite, I can't think of anything more revolting.

Irelia: You forget that I still have the ability to cut your throat in less time then you can say "help" I would not call anyone here revolting.

Ahri: Not to mention two of us aren't even from Ionia, so you just sound stupid right about now.

Guard 4: Let's just stop talking. We were ordered to not hurt them in anyway, whether that be physically or mentally.

Guard 5: That's very hard when the short one keeps kicking me!

Akali: Short one? Man I never wanted to kick someone more in my life then right now, which is why I am doing it right now.

Akali's kicks get harder as the guard had to move away from her as to make sure that she did not bruise him anymore then he already was. The guards made their way up the stairs as they opened the door. All the girls looked through as they were all in Swain's manor. They saw that they were all on a large platform where you could see people down below.

The guards shoved them away as they placed a small bracelet on each of them. Ahri tried to take it off, but she saw that some kind of magic was holding the bracelet to her skin. She looked back to the guards.

Ahri: Oi!

Guard 4: This is to make sure that guys don't leave. The bracelet will administer a powerful shock, and we will be alerted if you leaved the area around the manor.

Akali: That won't stop me!

Akali was trying to push or break the bracelet in any way she could. She tried for at least a minute but the bracelet would not come off easily.

Guard 1: Behave yourselves.

The guards walked away back to positions that they needed to be. Irelia looked over to see the dance floor as she walked over to the guard rail and watched all the people down there dancing. She began to walk down the stairs as Illaoi followed suit.

Illaoi: I want to see these "dances' ' more closely.

Irelia: You're welcome to do so.

Sarah: What about us!?

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