Sound Vs. The Emperor Of Sands Pt 3/Resolve: Chapter 162 Arc 3 Shurima Saga

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Narrator pov

Colorful explosives surrounded the platform as Azir watches as his giant sand soldier is absolutely demolished from the explosions. He quickly snapped his fingers as dozens more summoned to his beck and call. The soldiers fired arrows off as they all went to sand in the wind.

Azir: Keep going, my soldiers!

You blitzed through the army as you dodged the attacks that came against you. You felt a stray arrow hit your leg as you quickly pulled it out as you stopped to look back at Azir.

Azir: You are tough, I'll give you that! Come to my command!

You looked up as you saw a tower with a disc around it, it wasn't as nearly as big as the sun disc above him, but it was a decent replica.

You spit on the ground as you ran close to him. You slammed your blades into him as a shield of yellow and gray energy made the attack bounce off.

Azir: Not this time.

He snapped his fingers as the smaller sun disc gathered yellow energy in the middle of the disc area. It quickly shot out as you felt it slam against you as it exploded in yellow energy. You slid across the platform as you quickly planted your feet on the ground and spun your blades.

Azir stomped his scepter on the ground as even more sand soldiers were summoned on the platforms. You watched as now almost a hundred of the soldiers with spears, bows and large swords were now ready to fight back.

You wiped away some of the sweat as you held both blades and prepared to charge.

Y/N: Just my type of fight! Sound Breathing, Tenth Form: Confiding Diminuendo

You quickly jumped as you quickly slammed your blades to the ground for each jump as you made a zig zag of explosions that plowed through the soldiers. You jumped over the army as the arrows came raining down. You quickly slashed wildly to get the arrows out of the way. You tossed bombs all around as the sand from the soldiers went scattering all around the platform.

You landed on the platform as you began carving into the army. You felt slight scratches against your body as you ignored most of them as you began tearing your way through the army of soldiers.

Kai'Sa was watching the whole thing as she was shooting away the soldiers. However it was much harder for her since she didn't have the dexterity that you did. Her body was taking much more damage as you heard her struggling back there. You backflipped over the army as you rushed to help her.

A soldier rushed her down with its spear as you blocked it and kicked it away, only for another arrow to hit your shoulder.

Y/N: You good?

Kai'Sa: Don't worry about me! Just get to Azir and get that sword back, Sivir would be good as well.

Y/N: Ok!

You saw the flash of light from the tower as explosive shots rained down from the tower. You were forced to avoid them as you felt the arrows come down. You blocked them for the most part, some of them got on you. You pulled them out as you ran towards Azir.

Azir: Try as you might, but you are in my domain.

Y/N: Whatever! I'll kill you in your domain!

Azir: Oh really! Well then time to get serious then!

Y/N:( He wasn't serious before?!)

Azir held his staff even harder as magic surged from it wildly. Sand all around him formed into almost spear-like weapons as they spun around him and they held their positions. Azir sent out the spears as they came flying at extremely high speeds. The first one came so fast you didn't have the time to avoid it. It grazed against your side as blood poured. You kept blocking the rest as they all were destroyed once you slashed them away.

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