Shadow Arrival, Sound of Discovery: Chapter 52 Arc 2 Saga 2

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Narrator pov

The ship sailed through the mist as everyone was on guard for the arrival. You saw a makeshift dock as everyone was bracing for the dock. The ship was docked as all the crewmates stayed on the ship as all of your friends came out from the cabin. You had everything on you as you gripped Karma's charm on your neck as it was under your shirt.

You all walked out into the isles as you could hear distant echoes and whispers of unintelligible words. Akali and Irelia stayed close as you lead them to what looked like a port city nearby. Walking in to the center of town was a big statue of a monk, as we all walked around it.

Braum: So this is the shadow isles, it is  even more frightening up close.

Illaoi: I can feel the Black Mist all around me, it is strongest here. Goddess only know what we shall face. Steel yourselves.

Akali: Steel and a target is all I need.

Y/N: We should move forward as much as we can. I don't like how cold my skin feels in this thick fog.

Irelia: You are right, we must focus on finding Gangplank as soon as we can. I can feel the spirits around me.

Miss Fortune: I have killed the bastard before. Hope we live to do it again.

Walking for an hour you all made it to a big door as Illaoi pushed it open and the dust floated around. They entered into a massive library,  its massive amounts of bookshelves and books was huge as the room looked like a mountain.

Irelia: SO many books. I can't believe a destroyed kingdom like this still has all this knowledge. What happened to this country?

Illaoi: I know very little as well. Rumors were had that some people were after the healing properties of the healing water of life. However, I know that this country bloomed over a thousand years ago. We have more important things to deal with, so let us move on.

Yasuo picked up a book as he skimmed through it a bit. All the words were jumbled but the book title had nothing to do with them at all. He tossed the book back as he felt an eerie sound in the room.

Yasuo: Yeah . . . lets get the hell out of here.

Braum: The door is up at the top, Lets keep going.

The stairs led up to three floors as all the gang walked up to the stairs. Braum grabbed the door handle as he pulled on it. Nothing. He looked back at the door as he pulled a little harder.

Miss Fortune: Is something wrong Braum. 

Braum: Braum thinks the door will...  not budge!

He pulled with all of his strength as the door did not move a single bit.

Illaoi grabbed the door handle as well as she slammed her fist into the door. Nothing.

Miss Fortune: Out of the way.

Miss Fortune pulled out a pistol and fired. The bullet impacted the door as not a single mark was made from the bullet impact.

Miss Fortune: What the fuck!?

Akali: The door won't budge?!

Illaoi: It seems so.

Y/N: I would try something more explosive but, I have a feeling that whatever we do isn't going to matter right now.

Pyke: The Deep still calls towards this direction. There has to be a way out.

???: I know it.

Everyone turned around as a figure stood on the chandelier on the ceiling of the room. She was a young girl with braids and dark skin, she held a book in her hand and had a thin and hollow high pitched voice.

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