Worry Of The Hero, Captain Fortune's "Melons": Chapter 50 Saga 2 Arc 2

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Beware! Another raunchy chapter, I wanted to make a little more light hearted fun at some of the love moments, so lets hope you guys enjoy this one too

Narrator pov

The boat was full of joy and laughter as the crew sang their hearts out as they sang Bilgewater sea shanties as they all worked on taking care of the ship.  Miss Fortune walked around the ship as she inspected the top side as the crew gave her reports. She breathed in a deep sigh as a small song was playing. Whoever was doing was singing fairly loudly, she looked up to hear the noise come from the crow's nest as she climbed up the ladder to see who it was.

She walked up to see you sitting on the main mast as you were on your back singing an old Ionian folksong. Miss Fortune sat there on the crow's nest listening to you as she hummed along with you. You opened your eyes and sat up and looked down to see Miss Fortune humming and looking at you.

Miss Fortune: You have a nice voice. 

Y/N: I am not a big singing guy, but thanks.

Miss Fortune: Maybe you could give me a personal concert.

Y/N: Maybe, I would just sing Ionian ones though.

Miss Fortune: That's fine with me. Are you sure you don't want to come down here with me~

Y/N: I can't stand ships, I get seasick easily.

Miss Fortune: I've heard about you. There was a battle between a bitch serpent as Akali puts it. You seem to be very strong. 

Y/N: I guess, I just train as much as I can.  I don't think that's something to praise much about.

Miss Fortune: How about we go down to the cabin room, we can talk there.

Y/N: Sure, why not.

You jumped down from the mast as you back flipped off and landed in front of the main sail. Miss Fortune walked down the ladder as she walked with you into her personal cabin. She shut the door as you sat down in a chair next to the table. She pulled out a bottle of purple juice as she poured two cups.

Miss Fortune: Your from Ionia yes?

Y/N: Yes, I was born and raised there.

Miss Fortune: what is it like? I used to sail and travel all the time but places like that are way too far out for me, especially now that I run Bilgewater.

Y/N: Its very open. There is a lot of magic and life, its a beautiful no matter where you go. The food is pretty good, they eat more vegetables then I like, but I cannot complain about it.

Miss Fortune: Then if its so good, why did you come here?

Y/N: I came looking to help my girlfriend, Ahri. The one we were mentioning. She lost her memories of her past life and now we were trying to help her get them back. But . . . she left us in the middle of the night and hasn't returned so far. She has to be in the Shadow Isles, that's were Gangplank is with a sunstone she was looking for.

She noticed your sad tone as she sighed.

Miss Fortune: I get it. She blames herself for her problems. My mother used to do that often, I wanted to tell her that it wasn't her, but she wouldn't listen.

Y/N: How do I make her listen? Its not her, I can feel her struggle to control it. 

Miss Fortune: We will find her, and you will tell her those thoughts of yours. If she truly cares for you and everyone else, then she will understand. My mother did the same.

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