Conversations of the Past, A Yordle's Dream: Chapter 185 Arc 2 Ruined Saga

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This is what I envision Betha to look like, since she has a bit more of an  older personality and couldn't find anything else that I liked!

Narrator pov

Viego stared down the mother in question as he gripped his sword in his right hand and he made sure his left hand was relaxed, in case he needed something or someone quickly.

She backed off slowly from him as he didn't move a single inch towards her. She looked out of the window to see if anyone was nearby, not a single person was nearby.

Betha:( What would they even do?! I have to take matters into my own hands. I... I just need to hear him out, if he is here for Y/N, that could mean big trouble. But...)

Betha thought about it for a moment, she felt a chain around her neck as she could recall what the girls told her many weeks ago.


Karma sat all around as a circle of people were all around in a big circular table. The place consisted of all the girls, Yone, Shen and Zed as every one was around having a discussion.

Shen: What is our next plan of action?

Yone: It should be quite obvious, we try and see if we can move on and see where Ionia is in need of our services.

Ahri: It's only been a few months, he could still be-

Illaoi: That may be true... But it is unwise to think that way. I still believe he is out there, but we don't have the resources to track him, not yet.

LeBlanc: I am trying to develop my magic to do so, but I have had very little success so far. I even tried my mirror communication, but wherever he could be has nothing even close.


Betha: I hope he is ok, I am going to keep holding onto hope too, Ahri.

Ahri's more grim look turned more toward a sorrowful smile as she was trying to keep her head high, and her positivity the same.

Irelia: Either way, we need to make sure these things don't happen again, we need to make sure that Ionia is safe, no matter what. Swain could come back, we have no idea what happened.

Shen: Explain it to me again, I am still lacking on the details.

Katarina: When Y/N disappeared, we were forced to leave the country, or else Leblanc's home and her entire operation would have been discovered. She used the last of her magic to take apart her home and we had to flee.

LeBlanc: I've been searching for him all these months. I can't get in contact with other members of the Black Rose, since my base of operations had been destroyed. Not even that blood fiend, Vlad.

Akali was gripping her fist underneath the table as she was trying to contain herself. Irelia rubbed her shoulder as they both didn't need to exchange words to understand what they both felt.

Betha: I can do whatever I can, to help. I know Y/N would do the same.

Illaoi: I am heading to Bilgewater.

Sarah: I as well, we need to make sure that the amulet is still holding up within the vault, not to mention what Gangplank has been doing.

Irelia: How long will guys be gone?

Illaoi: However long it takes.

Riven: What is happening to us? Are we growing... apart?

Ahri: No! We just need to start thinking about all of our next options.

Riven: Like Illaoi and Sarah leaving?

The room got quiet as Zed was tapping his finger on the table.

Zed: We just need to think about what he would do. Whether he is here or not.

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