A Nightmare in the Night, Goodbye Ahri: Chapter 43 Saga 2 Arc 1

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Ahri pov

I opened my eyes to see the sun through the leaves of the trees. It was a summer day I felt my skin warm against the heat of the sun. Where was I? This place looked familiar , like a memory I couldn't remember.

I looked around as I saw my naked body as I was standing in pool of water, it was pond of sorts. I remembered this place now. This was my secret pond in Ionia, near the city of Vlonqo. It was a secret place where wild fruit grew in mass quantities and it was perfect place to sit and think about my plans and actions.

???: Ahri?

I looked around and saw a human male. He looked to be around his late 20's, he had slender build and was wearing work clothes as he looked at me. His short hair was tied back as sweat dripped down his face. He wasn't handsome nor bad looking, he had red eyes and black hair. I knew this man.

Ahri: Kayra?

Kayra: I'm glad your here, I just came by to give you this batch of bread that was made this morning.

All my thoughts went away as I ran out of the pond and hugged him close. He dropped the basket as he held me close as well.

Ahri: It's so good to see you again.

Kayra: What do you mean? I just saw you this morning.

Ahri: Oh, it must not have been that long. Cause it felt like it.

Ahri:( Was I dreaming? Was everything I did a dream? Kayra died long ago, to be with him now must mean that everything else must have been a dream of mine, or somebody else.)

Kayra: Well now I'm wet. Whatever, lets just have something to eat before we got out and see the night sky like we usually do.

Ahri: Yes!

Kayra was my lover from hundreds of years ago back before I even met Y/N. I met him staring at me while in the pond as he fell over and revealed himself. H talked about how beautiful I was, how I was almost like a work of art in his eyes. So he came back everyday for two months he would paint little bits of me everyday, until he was finished. The image of the picture was burned into my heart for so long.

We were eating the bread and fruit that Kayra brought back as I had some light clothes on.

Kayra: That's when I realized that You can't mess with wild cats, almost gave my grandfather a new scar.

Ahri: What did I tell you, Vastayans and other animals of Ionia are scary. Good thing you both got out in time.

Kayra: Yeah, maybe I should fought back, But I think I would have gotten bade pretty quick.

Kayra may have been very average but he was a interesting person. He always told me stories about his daily activities and all I could do was listen. He had the perfect speaking voice, if he sang I believe it could charm people by the thousands.

Ahri: There is still so much time in the day Kayra. Maybe we should do something together.

Kayra: Like what?

I leaned in onto his shoulder as a heat bean to rise within me. My eyes were fixated on his eyes as he looked into mine as well.

Kayra: If that is what you wanted you could have just asked Ahri.

Ahri: I hate asking.

We locked lips as enjoyed each other company as we held each other for some time. He grabbed my chest as I could feel my breath getting quicker. As a Vastaya I have periods of activity where my sexual drive is at a peak. Heat, is what most humans liked to call it. I could feel something rise from under him.

Ahri: I have to have it Kayra.

Kayra: Then I shall give.

I quickly undressed my self fully as I could feel my lower regions quaking. Kayra also did the same as he was fully nude in front of me. He wasn't big or small, but that didn't matter right now. I just wanted him, and he wanted me.

Ahri: Please Kayra, lets become one.

Kayra: Ahri, I love you.

I closed my eyes as I waited for his lips to connect with mine . . . but they never did. I felt magic pouring within me as a shock of power was put into my whole body. It was a burining pain that seeped through me. I hated it, I wanted it to stop. I wanted Kayra to help me.

Ahri: KAYRA!

But he never responded. The silence grew as the pain worsened. I opened my eyes to see Kayra not on top of me anymore. I felt a cold liquid brush agasint me as I looked down to see blood on the grass.

Ahri: Kay-

I looked over to see Kayra's body on the ground. Blood pouring from his body as his magic power floated into me as the pain grew worse. I couldn't hold back the tears as I remembered this moment. It was the moment I had taken Kayra's life, the moment I could not hold back the feeling and I stole his life energy and killed him.  I crawled over to his body as I flipped it over. The color from his face was gone as he was left as a husk of a human body. His eyes colorless as he spoke one last time.

Kayra: Why ....

I screamed trying to wake him up both nothing changed, the blood still poured as his body began to wither and crumble. The sky turned a crimson red as blood rained poured from the clouds. 

Ahri:( What's happening, this never happened?!)

???: You have hurt so many.

A voice from the heavens spoke as I could not identify who it was.


???: You beg for my help, only to know that this was your fault. The man you hold is gone, just like everybody else.

My head ached as flashes of memories flooded into my head. Bodies of dead, as there life force was taken. I could feel the tears fall onto my body as I cried out for someone.

Ahri: Akali, Yasuo Irelia Karma. ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME.

I thought about Y/N as layed on the ground crying, his voice and face resonated in my soul. I felt burning rage build up within me. My weakness, my anger my rage and my longing. I clawed into the earth as I ripped it to shreds as tears flowed down my face. I stopped after I felt my breath running low. 

I hate myself, I hate the things I do, I hate not being able to protect anyone. I hate  . . .

Ahri: I hate not being able to let go. I just want to be with Y/N.

Thunder roared out as a flash of light streaked across my face forcing me to close my eyes. 

I opened them to find myself back in the Maiden's bosom room. It was the middle of the night as I looked out the window to my right. I was sitting on top of Y/N as I saw Irelia and Kali both in either side of him. I looked to my hands to see blood dripping of my fingernails.

Ahri:( Where did this come fr-)

I looked down to see Y/N's chest slashed and covered in scratch marks, his chest now red with his own blood as his face was grimaced from the pain. I put my hand over it to feel his blood. I looked to see the ring Karma gave me completely colorless as the magic no longer powered it anymore.

Ari: I'm sorry...

I felt the tears roll as I remembered what the merchant said. That the buyer was in Grey Harbor. I got up an put on my regular clothes and pulled up my hood. This was my mission and I wouldn't let anyone else get hurt because of my inability to control myself.

Ahri: I love you Y/N, I will be back soon, please don't follow me.

I kissed his forehead as I healed back the scratches. I took a look back as I ran out of the inn. The feeling came back as I could feel my lust for magic take over. I can't let them get hurt. Not anymore.

I wouldn't let Y/N be another victim of me.

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