Tiresome Journey, The Capitol: Chapter 110 Arc 3 Noxus Saga

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Riven Pov

Riven: We should stop.

Me and Y/N were standing out in an open field as the night bore down on us. It had been 2 days since we started to journey back out towards the capitol. We had been running from the Trifarian Legion as they chased us down. There were two bodies of them on the ground as I wiped off some of the sweat from the fight.

Y/N: I don't know.... I still think we can make it to the capitol by mid day if we keep this pace...

Riven: You can't be real! You just took on those guys and you have been sleeping even less than I have. We need to take a break, not to mention that it would still be a 12 hour journey.

Y/N:... You're right. There is a cave nearby so we can stop there for tonight....

Riven: Good idea.

We both moved towards the cave as we entered it. It was a small cave with enough room for the both of us as Y/N sat on the floor and took his headband off. I laid down some wood I found previously as I sparked my blade and a fire was started quickly. I sat down in front of the fire as I looked towards it.

The fire crackled and popped as I looked towards Y/N. His face was a bit pale, as he ate today? I kept looking at his breath and got a bit slower as he began to relax his body. I pulled my hood back as I looked outside from the cave hole. I saw the moon shining down on the field as I couldn't believe how far we had traveled, how far I have come.

Riven: It's kind of odd.

Y/N: Hmm?

Riven: I mean, I never really thought I would not only be able to escape that cell, but to also have a chance to go back to Ionia. It's kind of...Odd.

Y/N: I get it... Things that you think would never happen...Happen. I love that feeling.... It gives me sort of a surreal feeling. Like I accomplished something great, even if I didn't really do anything at all.

Riven: You seem to know a lot about it.

Y/N: There are a lot of people in my life that do that kind of thing to me everyday. I often take seconds sometimes minutes to just lie in my own bed and look back at everything that happened, and the people who set me on this path.

Riven: You can be really sensible, when you're not flashing around the scene, Hehehe.

Y/N: I'm just.... Really tired... Sorry.

Riven: You shouldn't be sorry, you look tired as all hell, its better we get some rest now before the morning sun comes up and we can't anymore.

Y/N: Yah... You're right.

He fell asleep right at that moment. I was quite astounded at how fast he fell asleep and smiled a bit. The night air came in as there was a chill in the air. I pulled up the hood a bit and covered myself a bit.

Riven( I guess it's going to be a cold night.)

I looked over to see that Y/N was sitting right where the wind was blowing. His face grimaced a bit as I saw that his body was tightening a bit due to the cold. I walked over and tossed some more wood into the fire.

Riven:( He should be a little bit better now.)

I looked to see his body still shaking a bit from the cold. I walked over and got close to him as he was sleeping. I got close to his face as I felt up his upper arm.

To call Y/N bulky was not enough justice to him. His arms were like trunks of trees and his height made him almost tower over everyone we came across. His upper body looked like it had been trained to its limit as his actual muscle mass was quite dense. There was no soft spot in his body, even though his body was huge, the actual muscle was dense and it was hard to find any spot on his body that was not trained to the human limit.

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