Sound Vs. Metal, Ahri's Love: Chapter 69 :) Arc 4 Saga 2

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Narrator pov

The fist slammed as you jumped back the golem charged you head on. It was surprisingly quick as it covered big distance in shorts time due to its large body. His swings were quick and strong, and they took up a lot space. You had to maneuver your way around every attack as it repeatedly attacked you.

Y/N:(  Its body is huge, its better I get to unleash all my attacks at once. Small attacks and precisive blows are not going to do much for me. Just use all you have on it, and hope that everyone get rid of this shield before I turn to mush.)

Y/N: Seventh form: Clanging Scales

Slashing horizontally at the fist as explosions detonated around it as its fist was scratched from the sword and burn marks from the explosions. It started to glow as an aura formed around it and its eye in the middle of its face glowed a bright blue as lasers were fired in all directions. 

Y/N: Great, eye lasers and a tough ass body, things just never go well for me.

It charged once more as you ducked under it. It quickly turned in a arc as it charged at you again. You were dodging its attack, but its large made it hard to get a sense of where its weak spot could be. It fired blue orbs of magi from its hands as you deflect them back with the other blade as you spun it around.

Y/N: You guys find anyway to turn off the shield yet!

You jumped down on to the ground as you spun around doing a  backspin, dodging another laser as you put your ear to the ground.

Ahri: The Shield won't let up until you destroy the golem! The Ancient magic and symbols have long faded, there is no way to access them.

Y/N: Wow! That's so epic! I love being trapped with a tin can!

It charged more as you avoided each attack and started to see a pattern between the attacks. You threw the bombs as the golem charged through them and his body was lit ablaze. His body has flames and burn marks as it kept charging at you and you jumped over it.

Y/N: Third form: Clangorous Soul

You sliced its arm between the joint of the forearm and the elbow. His arm fell off as the magic leaked from the destroyed arm and it fell to the ground. It screeched as it kept swiping its broken arm at you. 

Y/N: ( The fact that it fights for this long, and still has the power to fight on. Its almost impressive.)

It roared as it kept firing its lasers as you deflected them away as the shield took the blunt of the damage. It took all of its energy and piled it into its main body as it was looking to end you with a flurry of attacks. Its middle core, which was exposed due to the damage was smoking as the crystal began to crack under all the pressure.

Y/N: Oh boy, It seems like you want to take this to another level. Don't worry, you won't have to  worry about intruders anymore.

He charged as he reared his fist back and you could see the smoke come out as it was overclocking itself. You breathed in deep as you held the blades horizontally. Holding bombs in between your fingers.

Y/N:  Fourth form: Constant Resounding Slashes

You released all the bombs as you widely swung the blades towards the golem. Explosions went off everywhere as you kept hitting against what you assumed was the body as you let the final bomb go and stopped the attack.

The smoke cleared as the Golem was now destroyed almost fully and its left leg and other arm were completely destroyed. It fell to the ground as the eye looked at you and the magic left its body and the golem powered down, for good.

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