Dreams Of Home, Wake up Call(Lemon): Chapter 83 Arc 5 Saga 2

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Y/N pov

I opened my eyes to see the clouds high up above. I blinked once as the scene was still there. I sat up as I looked to see my body covered in my uniform but none of my accessories were on. Even the earring was gone as I looked to the scene. I was laying in a field of beautiful blue and red flowers and the sun shining down on the beautiful scene. I stood up a bit as I felt my hair flow down on my shoulders.

Y/N:( Where am I? This isn't Miss Fortune's manor. Where are all the girls?)

I walked down the hill I was on as I walked through the flowers and the grass as small birds and other small creatures ran past me. A small cat rubbed against me as it ran past me and meowed and went away. It was peaceful and calming, I could hear nothing but the sound of the wind blow past me and the scattering of various creatures.


I heard no response as I continued to walk. There was a path that showed up few minutes after I started to walk. I walked on the path as the winds were as calm. I heard two sounds as I continued to walk. One was male and the other was female as I ran a little faster to whoever it was. I looked over the next hill as I opened my eyes in surprise.

It was mother and father as they sat on a table talking to each other. I couldn't make out what they were saying as I felt my eyes water. I wiped them away as blinked and they were still in their, upon the next hill a distance away. Tears ran down my cheeks as I sniffling and trying to wipe them away.


They looked towards my direction as they both looked back at each other and waved their hands in my direction. I waved back hard as I ran down the hill. I tripped and fell down the hill as I reached the bottom. They were still waving as I got up and ran towards them. I was running towards them as they got closer and closer. I tripped again on the hill as I looked back and ran towards them.

But I couldn't. I felt my leg get caught on something as I looked down. It was a hand sticking out of the ground as I looked in horror at the bloodied hand and tried to get it away. It gripped tighter as it started to pull me down. I tried to get up as I felt another one grab my arm as I could feel the cold grip, grip me even tighter then before.


I yelled at them as they continued to wave, as I could feel my body start to sink into the ground. A hand grabbed my mouth as I tried to scream but they kept dragging me down as I could feel my lower half sink.

Y/N:( What the hell! What is happening?! Can they not hear me?!)

I felt only my head stick out of the ground as I blinked. They vanished before my eyes as years flowed down my face once more. I was dragged completely under as I felt nothing at the bottom. I felt the hands go away as I started to fall into complete darkness, I tried grabbing something anything, but there was nothing to grab.

I fell into the darkness for a few minutes as I felt a sudden impact and my body hurt all over.

Y/N: What the hell is happening! This has to be a dream. But why is this pain so intense, shouldn't I have woken up by now?

I felt a searing pain from my left hand as I looked down. I saw that my left hand was completely severed off as it layed on the darkness bleeding out. I screamed in pain as I held my bleeding left hand as I could only scream. I blinked as I noticed my vision go from my left eye. I felt the cold blood drip down my face as I felt like my eye had just been cut in half. I could lie in pain as I felt everything.


???: You got what you deserved.

I looked up as I recognized the voice as I saw Shen looking down at me. His left arm and eye were still in tact as I looked at him with tears.

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