Swain's Meeting Of Powers Part 1 : Chapter 102 Arc 2 Noxus Saga

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The room was a hustle and bustle of noise as the party raged on for a while. Ahri was standing near the table with all sorts of alcohol and other assorted beverages as she looked in every direction for you. The whole main floor wasn't packed with people, but there were just enough people so that you could seem packed by an outsider's view. The people were staring at her with lustful eyes as she paid no attention to them as she kept looking.

Ahri:( Where is he? It's been about an hour, and he is nowhere to be seen. Knowing him, you would think that he would be the start of the party, although, for a party there are not that many people.)

Sarah and Illaoi were hanging out near the bar area as people watched as they slammed drink after drink until there was none left in front of them. Both seemed unfazed by the amount as they both high fived afterwards. Irelia and Kama were watching them as they both were embarrassed friends display of "talent".

Irelia: Where is the Grand general bastard?

Karma: Swain is most likely setting up a moment for us all to talk. Remember, this party is just for the guests, this was just a way for the guests to see the relationship between Ionia and Noxus, despite our own feelings.

Irelia: So do we just wait until he summons us?

Karma: That is best for now. Where is Akali?

Irelia: I don't know. Maybe she just needed some air?

Akali was walking around the main floor as guys were looking at her with more lustful gazes as she looked around the main area. She looked up to the big set of stairs that were in between the main floor and the second. She looked to the top as she saw Flora as she stood above the main floor. She was just staring at her and watching her intently. When she caught her staring she looked away and walked away from the ledge where she went into a crowd of people.

Akali:( That is the same girl that took us to get better dressed. She must be higher up as well.)

Akali looked through the whole area, any nook and cranny that was available to the guests she checked. You weren't there.

At first she assumed that she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, that you were around, just not when she was. But that idea was quickly devoured by the thought of something worse. Her scrambled ideas were now focused on what the fuck you were.

Akali: Y/N, where the hell are you?

Ahri: Akali?

Akali jumped back a bit as she looked to see Ahri staring back at here. She had a smile on her face as Akali sighed and looked away.

Ahri: Are you looking for him too?

Akali: I'm glad someone else is. However I feel that someone was lying to us. or maybe...

Ahri: Do you think he isn't here?

Akali: I don't.

Ahri: Why would they lie to us like that? I think that maybe we should just trust-

Akali: Do you not trust me?!

Ahri: I never said that. I just don't want to make assumptions about things we don't know about.

Akali: I knew it. You disregard me just like the others.

Ahri: You know that's not true Kali.

Akali: Don't call me that! You have no right!

Ahri: What is wrong with you!? You have been on edge ever since this morning!

Akali: And you aren't?! You want to say that you aren't worried about my missing boyfriend that we haven't seen since last night?! Not to mention that we were told he would be here, and now there is nothing!

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