Terror Beneath The Sands Part 1: Chapter 147 Arc 1 Shurima Saga

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Narrator pov

Kai'Sa was sitting outside of the tent as she observed the land around her. She felt the cold wind blow as she had her helmet up as she looked around the plateau as she examined the dead bodies of more voidlings as she kicked them off the cliff. She watched as they fell out of her sight as she sat down and opened up her notebook.

Kai'Sa: Day 3821. I have been recently exploring the lonely plateau as I recently been seeing less Voidlings crawling around in my general vicinity. I can say that it has been at least one week since they stopped moving towards my location recently. It has also been a single week since Y/N went down into the Underdark.

Kai'Sa sat there for a moment as she began to draw something into her notebook. She was a terrible artist when she was young, but all the time and loneliness allowed for her new creativity to blossom forth and bring her art skills to the max.

She kept drawing as she had some more space in her daily journey page as she looked back towards the other drawing of herself. She often drew herself dancing or other such poses as she smiled a bit to herself. She erased some of the info on the right side as she drew something else.

Kai'sa finished her drawing as she looked back at it. It was a picture of you smiling as you had a small peace sign and you had a wide eyed grin as she smiled and blushed a bit under her mask.

Kai'Sa: Note to self, need more examination of Y/N's body to get proportions correct.

A loud roar startled her as she stood up and her crystal weapons formed at the end of her hands. She looked around for the source as she kept examining the area for something that could roar as loud as it was.

Kai'Sa: That sound....

The roar resonated through the area once more as she knew exactly what it was after the second roar. She quickly went to the cliff edge as she jumped down from rock to rock until she got onto the ground as she looked forward and saw a large footprint in the sand at the bottom of the plateau.

Kai'Sa: I knew it... The Xer'Sai have invaded down below.

Kai'Sa flipped through her extensive notebook as she saw the page she needed. It was labeled," The Xer'Sai: The Predators of the sand" She looked through the drawings of the dark purple creatures as they varied in size and look, but they all had one thing in common. They all had arms and legs made for digging and creating holes.

Kai'Sa: I can't believe that they are around here. Typically they are around the Shurima sands up top, there must be something they are sensing. But what.... It cannot be... Right? No, they must be on the hunt for something else, an even bigger game underneath the surface. Even so, down here is even worse, they have full reign of the areas covered in lots of sand mountainous rocks they can use for their tunnels.

Kai'Sa flipped to a certain page that showed a picture of a much larger Xer'Sai creature. It was a lumbering creature which based on her drawing was much larger than any normal Xer'Sai. She knew this as once such a creature.

Kai'Sa: They must all be following their queen. Xer'Sai are clan like creatures, there is no way they are moving throughout the Void and even Shurima itself without their queen on board. She must be around here.

Kai'Sa felt the ground rumble around her as she felt herself losing balance. She removed her helmet as she looked around for a sign of anything. She looked back towards an area of curving rocks and mountains as she grabbed her notebook.

Kai'Sa: The queen of the Xer'Sai.

She hesitated between her final thoughts as she put her helmet back on.

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