A Passion For Sound: Chapter 37 Arc 4

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(A/U) 4k views, very epic. There will be two more chapters of this arc until the next Saga so stay tuned for that! Enjoy this chapter!

Irelia pov

The sound of the waterfall filled my ears as I had both my eyes close trying to meditate. It has been a week since we all decided to go to Bilgewater to help Ahri and whatever might be happening with the green mist they refer to.  

I am worried though. I have lived in Ionia all my life, and leaving to go help another place worries me greatly.  I would never want someone to go through what I did, but what if something happens while I'm gone? Those thoughts kept go going through my head, as the water fall went down.

Irelia:(Maybe I'm just thinking about this wrong. It's not like I am leaving forever right? I have to return someday.)

The thoughts of everything that had happened after the Bay attack rushed through my head. Training with Lee, Defeating Varus, Taking down Zed's rein, Talking with everybody. Telling Y/N I would go with him to Bilgewater.

A drop of water dropped on my head as I opened my eyes. I was in Ionia's scared garden. It was cultivated over a thousand years ago. It was made for monks and special magicians to cultivate their magic power and their spiritual power. I found this when I first came here, I would often use it when I was stressed. Being here made me feel like I was back at home.

Irelia: Maybe I should just change my mind.  He wouldn't mind if I didn't go right?

I do I feel so wrong about that? Like I I'm lying to myself. Every time I think of him, my heart hurts. Like a burning pain that lingers every time I think about him, but there is no pain only a lightness.

Irelia: Is this love?

Y/N: Hey Irelia.

I looked to see Y/N Standing on the rock next to me. He was in his hospital clothes but with no shoes or socks on. 


Y/N: I saw you sitting here meditating and thought you wouldn't mind the company, unless you wanted to be alone. I can leave-

Irelia: NO! I mean you can stay, I would actually prefer the company right now.

Y/N: Well, I'm not good at meditating so I think I will just swim, water looks nice right now anyway.

Irelia: Swim?

Y/N took off his hospital shirt and and untied his hair back. His hair flowed back as he tossed his shirt aside. I had never realized how BUILT he was. He must be at least six and a half feet tall, and his chest took up a good portion of that height. His muscles almost bulged out of anything he wore, he must have been training for most of his life to get like that. Akali looked like that as well, but with less mass and more density to her build.

Y/N: Yeah, is that ok? I am not to familiar with all the things you can do here.

Irelia: N-no its fine. I just will sit here and meditate.

Y/N : OK

I close my eyes as I heard him walk into the pool below. I opened my eyes to him go into as his chest was in the water as his head was the only thing sticking out. We were in the deeper part of the pool so it made sense. 

A few minutes passed as I listened to Y/N swim around an as he even played with the lilies and the pads floating around the pool. It was the calming I had felt in a long time, knowing he was around made my heart felt so much calmer.

Irelia: I think I'm done for now.

Y/N: What were you thinking about? 

Irelia: Mostly about what you said a while ago.

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