Spider's web, Poison Of The Mind: Chapter 54 Arc 2 Saga 2

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You ran past the tree as the screams only got more and more loud as you ran faster trying to listen for where they were. You felt bad for leaving everybody behind, but they decided to keep going when someone needed help. There was only one option at that point, save whoever needed it. That is what heroes do.

You came across a large hole as you looked down only to see see darkness and hear nothing. Suddenly a ear piercing scream could be heard from the hole as you took out both blades.

Y/N:( That a girl's scream. Something is happening do there. Its dark but I can light the way with my bombs, plus if I can't see I just have to rely on my ears to guide my strikes. No more thinking, only action)

You jumped down the hole as you ran down it. It was dark but you could various noises come from the direction of the scream. Sounds of tiny creatures walking across the walls could be heard as this was no random hole. This was a nest. You put you ear to what felt like that ground and listened.

???: Please  . ..  no more.

Y/N:( There she is! That's the girl who was screaming. I am right near them as well.)

listening for a little more you could hear the skittering of the creatures the creation of webs inside. This was a spider's nest.

Y/N:( Why spiders. Couldn't this had been like a dragon or something, I hate bugs. Nasty little vermin)

You ran down the hall path as Light as shining past through a hole. You walk into the room as torches were on he wall as you looked around. It was a dome shaped room with webs and web sacks everywhere. Some were still struggling while others were completely still. In the front of the room was a throne of skulls as a women creature sat on it with a girl tied up in web next to her. 

???: Well, it seems that my prey wanted to see what all the commotion was all about

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???: Well, it seems that my prey wanted to see what all the commotion was all about.

She was a beautiful women with a very curvy figure, but looking more closley her spider figure made her beauty seem trivial as she got up and walked over to you a bit.

Y/N; Let her go and I won't chop your head off.

???: I thought we could chat before we go into any fight. You seem like a strong man, let me give you some pleasure before I have to kill you.

Y/N: You seem to not understand your situation at all. You don't have a choice, you either let her go or I will make you. Those are your choices nothing more.

???: Let's first introduce ourselves, My name is Elise. I am the spider queen..

Y/N: Y/N. Now that we have that over with. let the girl go.

Elise: I'm sorry sweetheart, but this one isn't for me. Its for someone even more special. I can't let you have her back either.

Y/N: Then we have nothing more to talk about.

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