Trouble In Paradise: Chapter 136 Arc 6 Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov

Y/N:(To think that I was just fighting for my life only a day or so ago, and now I'm surrounded by women that all love me. I LOVE MY LIFE! BUT THIS IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING!)

You looked up to the ceiling of LeBlanc's room and felt movements across your both sides as you felt arms and legs feeling you up from all different angles. You saw how Ahri and Katarina were pretty much lying on top of you as they both stared at each other with anger.

Katarina: You've been hogging this spot all damn day! Give someone else a turn!

Ahri: As if! You should know the rules by now, but I guess I will have to explain them to you again. Rule number 1! Sleeping privilege's are for all, but position is based on numerous factors.

Katarina: Y/N, you cannot be serious about all of this!

Y/N: I never... Made the rules... It was Ahri and Sarah.

Katarina: I knew it!

Ahri: Rule number 2! First, The first girlfriend rotates to be the closest to the main unit, which by my calculations, I was first, so I get the first dibs!

Y/N:( Main unit?)

Katarina: You cannot be serious about all of this! What is he a toy you guys argue you over!?

Irelia: It feels that way sometimes.

Riven was sitting on the edge of the bed as she stared at the ensuing chaos as Illaoi had grabbed Ahri by the ears and brought her closer to her mouth.

Illaoi: How many times do we have to tell you that shouting before 10 is not allowed! BECAUSE I THINK IT DOESN'T GO THROUGH YOUR NONEXISTENT BRAIN!

Ahri: I'M SORRY!


Riven: Guys, I think we should all just-


The bickering continued as you were being jostled and pushed and pulled all around as you could only just stare at the ceiling as you felt angry at all the screaming. You knew that it was around maybe 8am or so as you were jostled this same way around the same time back in Ionia.

Mornings were usually like this to some degree, they weren't bad when it was just the first 3, but after Sarah and Illaoi joined your merry band, it only got worse. It always started with Ahri doing something annoying, in which someone would point it out. Ahri would usually just respond with something even more annoying in which one of two things could happen. One, they ignore her( rarely happens) or Two, they respond with more shouting or even worse... Violence.

Y/N:( Please stop. I was trying to sleep this morning and I am woken up by this! Not to say I don't like it, but this happens every morning. It's only heightened by the fact that it's' harder to move slight movements and Swain gripped my throat too hard and my throat was essentially crushed. I can't even say anything back.)

The arguing continued as you had enough of it all, and sat up a bit. The girls looked at you as you felt your throat for a moment and shifted yourself towards the edge of the bed. You put your feet on the floor as it took a moment but you were finally standing up as you slowly walked over to the door.

Ahri: Y/N!

Y/N: I'm... Thirsty


Riven got up off the bed as she ran over as you left through the door. She opened the door to see you slowly walking down the hallway as she shut the door. She ran over to you as you were walking slowly down the hall. You felt her put herself under your arm as she supported your movements.

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