The Pillar of the Future: Chapter 15 Arc 2

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Narrator pov

The dust settled around the explosion of both light and shadow as Shen stood there. His upper clothes completely burned off as his body and face were completely exposed. He was chanting a ancient spell and holding two fingers up toward the place of both attacks. He was breathing heavily as blood poured from his mouth.

Shen:( He was holding back that attack for so long,  I don't know if the shield even worked for Zed. Euros you made a big mistake even trying something like that while I live and breath. I have worked too long and hard to see the entirety of  Ionia fall to some magic I can't control. Even though my hatred of Noxians can rival that of Zed's, the world must remined balanced or the consequences are irreversible)

The dust cleared as both figures were still standing after the last attack. What seemed like forever, one of them spoke.

Zed: Euros, You are strong, very strong. Fighting you all those years ago has taught me that-No, it has been beaten into me that your a force to reckoned with. I wanted to be you, I sought after you ideals and mannerisms, as if they were my own

Zed: I followed your footsteps, I made my own order to rival that of others. I wanted to protect Ionia from Noxus, and some didn't see my ambitions. Others followed  me, others died by my blade. You and I are the same or we were.

The dust cleared as Euros was standing in a stance while Zed was right next to him, with a almost destroyed purple and white shield hovering above him.

And Zed's blade piercing Euros stomach while he stood above him.

Zed: I understand what they mean by sometimes the best thing you do for someone you love is to let them go.

He pulled out the blade as blood poured quickly out the gaping wound from Euros' stomach. He coughed

He  up blood as he fell to the ground holding his stomach wound while breathing heavily.

Zed: This didn't have to end this way my friend. Your strength is what made you such a legend, the newer generation may not even remember your name. They are strong, but they will never understand the power of, they will have to grow off of the hate of us.

Euros stopped breathing heavily and started to chuckle, which started out small but began to laugh hysterically as blood went out his stomach and his voice went raspy.

Euros: Future generations? Man Zed you sure haven't changed the last thirteen years since we've met.

Zed looked confused as he wiped the blood of his arm blade.

Zed: What do you mean? I think I have changed quite a bit since then.  You however, it seems like you have not only gotten weaker, but also your older and more stupid. You think that your old ways we'll even have a chance to kill the new people, you even taught your stupid technique to Y/N. Why does he cling to such old ways, I offered to teach him shadow magic, I could have made him my apprentice, along with Kayn, we could save Ionia, and with the runic shards, Ionia would be the greatest country in the world. Do you see how much I've changed, Euros? I have dreams, resolve, and dedication all stronger then yours. You were left with the souls of the dead. You were left with memories that you can't even honor anymore, you will die knowing that your memories, your legacy, your abilities will die with you. You say I haven't changed while you stick to piss poor ideals and shitty morals that get the people you love killed. How haven't I changed, Euros? How have I stayed the same?

Euros stood there and looked at Zed with a cocky smile.

Euros: You talk about how much you've changed, how much strength you gained, the people you killed and the people following your cult, but the same man child I met thirteen years ago still lies within. You sit here talking about these dreams, these goals, all the things you've done, but underneath all of that you still yearn for love that you weren't given. You do all this for what? Strength? Power? What will tat earn you once its all said and done. Once every person is under your control, once Ionia becomes the dominate force. Will that bring you happiness, once you've completed your obsession?

Euros: I may be old, my body may not keep up, but that doesn't mean my dream is any worse then yours. I love my family, I want them to succeed, yes, my memories of my friends will die with me, but the Heart of the breath will never die, I truly believe that. Ionia will survive and live in harmony with all, and once the runic shards are locked away, the world can be at peace.

Euros: I may die now, but my dreams will not, the people I believe in will carry on my legacy. The Pillars will not be forgotten, they will be reformed even more powerful then they were when I was there. Do you know that difference between me and you Zed?

Euros: I believe in the people I love, I believe in the future generations. I believe in the future of Ionia. All you want to do is conquer.

Zed pauses and steps up to Euros as he kneels down to meet him. He stares at him for a minute and closes his eyes. A look of irritation goes upon his face, but he ignores the feeling and looks at Euros' pocket. He puts his  hand inside and pulls out the green glowing rock. A look of surprise goes on Zed's face as this was not the runic shard that he had stolen from Shen.

Zed: You bastard! You never had it did you.

Euros: I didn't. I hid it somewhere where you would never find it. 

Zed got up and walked back to Shen.

Zed: He doesn't have it.  He said he hid it away.

Shen: I knew it. I had a feeling this would happen. We must part for now, I have had enough of your face already, and I'm quite certain that the battle will end soon, whether Noxus wins or loses depends on what they have prepared for this battle.

Zed: Then I will be on my way. Remember Shen, I have no ties to you anymore, I owe you nothing, and I will continue to keep my distance. 

Shen: I know, and I will not hesitate as well, My defenses are ready for what you throw old friend.

Zed quickly dashed out of the scene leaping from tree to tree as his body disappeared into the shadows cast by them. 

Euros: You don't to pretend anymore Shen. I know that the spirits foresaw this right?

Shen stood silent has he began to stand up and walk away from Euros.

Shen: I don't want to listen to them. I don't want to always follow tradition. But they have saved Ionia so many times before, why would this be different?

Euros: Because my grandson is a factor. The gods may be all knowing, but his strength and desire will overcome any prophecy. He already rivals that of many Pillars I knew. He has already become the Pillar of Sound.

Shen looks back at him in surprise, then looks back and begins to walk away.

Shen:( If he already has that much power within him at such a young age, then maybe . . . just maybe, he was the calling that Ionia. No. This world needed for so long. I will have to that to believe in him first. Rest well Euros, you lead a life of respect and you deserve the rest.

Euros pov

Really, this was it? Hmm, I don't think I can find  a way to complain about this anymore, but that power from Zed was really something, wonder how long it took him to learn all that? Shen, you have also grown wiser, but don't worry he will show them up, I know he will. His strength will guide him to great things.

Y/N. You really did shine didn't you? I didn't think you would grow so fast, I don't have to worry about Betha anymore do I? I know its selfish my grandson, but I'm leaving it in your hands my apprentice. Grow well, and eat plenty. Explore the world and meet some new people. You have your whole life ahead of you, I trust in your strength.

I could feel my eyes shut and tried to keep them awake. It was then I saw brightly lit silhouettes in the distant. They were the pillars, standing there smiling. They were waving, some were laughing and others were crying. They wanted meet join them.

???: Its time isn't it Euros?

I look closely as I saw Maki in the distance holding little Betha in her hands. I could feel the tears coming down my face as I reached out for them. All I could do is smile.

Euros: Yes I Believe it is

With my last breath I looked back to the way that Y/N went and saw an imagine of him running toward the sun as I breathed out and smiled once more.

Euros: I believe in you, Pillar of Sound

My eyes closed for the final time, as my thoughts were at peace. I was at peace.

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