"How am I in trouble?! She ran at me, I did the right thing and defended myself!", the Principle sighed, this has been the third time Dream had overreacted to someone running at him and getting the wrong idea of them trying to attack him.
"I understand, but this has been the third time you have wrongly attacked someone.", Dream glanced over at a teacher, who was applying an ice pack to the girl he punched,"Let me guess, I'll be put back in detention?", "No. This time, we're calling your parents.", The Principle grabbed the phone while the over pulled out a clipboard,"Your last name?", "Dream WasTaken.", both the Principle and The Teacher looked up in slow shock,"Dream. . . WasTaken.", the Principle took a moment to choose her words very carefully,"Woyld. . . Perhaps be related to. . . Foolish Wastaken.", Dream couldn't help but cover his mouth to stop himself from smiling.
Who was Foolish in School?
. . .
The School's Biggest Trouble Maker.~
Foolish, as he got older, goes through a more rebellious phase.
He was known in school for stepping glasses, making it thunder storm on the daily basis and purposely make it violent, School blackouts, leaving school and of course, using his powers against others that easily provoked him.
The School Therapist had suggested that his behaviour could be the result of his original guardian, Captain Puffy, not giving him enough attention until she had gotten Sam in his life.
It was also suspected because Foolish and Dream grew up in isolation pretty much their whole life it was hard for them to understand other kids their age besides the small group that they had.~
Dream smiled nervously at the three of them,"Y-Yeah, he's my older brother. . .", they stared at him, Dream looked around the room awkwardly,"So, uh. . . Can I go back to Homeschooling?", they stared at him as if he was being serious.
Dream wasn't a bad kid, his grades just weren't the best and struggled to understand others like Foolish but he acted in self defence when he was charged at or he didn't understand the subjects or how others acted.
The Principle sighed,"Are your parents available?", "My mom is working at the hospital and my dad is working at the pet store, I can just call my brother to pick me up.", the teacher groaned at the idea of seeing Foolish again.~
The Principle and Dream waited outside the school gates for Foolish, The Principle had a glimmer of hope that Foolish has cleaned up his act since he came to this school.
"He's here!"
The Principle looked up and saw a car pull up, Foolish came out and Dream rushed to his brother.
Foolish had more golden and green markings on his face, he had a new shark jacket, messy hair still and had a jewel thing around his head still.
Dream hugged Foolish, Foolish looked up and saw his old Principle,"Oh, morning Principle Rose, lovely to see you again.", she sighed,"Foolish, such a surprise to see you again. Still up to your scandals?", Foolish smirked as Dream got in the car,"Why of course, what else would I be doing since I felt?", The Principle faceplamed in her mind, no wonder Dream's aggression was so familiar.
Foolish smiled,"Well~ To save you the trouble, we can switch my brother to Homeschooling again, saves ya the trouble of having another me for the next few years.", The Principle sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, it would save the trouble of having another Foolish,"I'll send the paperwork.", Foolish smiled and got in the car, waving as he drives off.~
"We'll just need to stop at the Pharmacy, our medication came into today so we'll need to pick that up.", Dream nods, he lay down in the back and rested his eyes before falling asleep.
{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~