Ranboo was completely caught off guard by the cold that practically slapped him in the face!
Luckily the hoodie provided some protection from the cold element but his dripped jeans failed!
Ranboo glared at the ghost, who probably couldn't feel the cold or heat.
Ranboo grits his teeth, thankful he had the mask and walked through the snow and muttering about regretting not finding something to fix his ripped jeans.
Ranboo froze, and turned like Tommy to see a stick in the road had now been snapped in half like it was nothing.
Ranboo turned back around and decided to keep walking and hoped it was just some wild animal.
. . .
He than came to a bridge?
For some reason it had a barrier that honestly would make Ranboo fall because of his horrible balance.
Ranboo froze up, feeling more cold than ever as he sensed someone behind him or something.
"Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand."
Ranboo gulped, but he slowly turned around and reached out and shook someone's hand.
Then came a loud sound.
Ranboo was surprised and kind of got scared seeing a slightly taller individual with brown hair, green eyes and sharp teeth and had some blue shark hoodie on and seemed to wear gold and blue.
He chuckled,"Ha!", he held his hand up,"Old whoopee cushion in the hand trick; it's an oldie but a goodie.", Ranboo chuckled, to laugh off the free he once felt,"Anyway, pleased to meet ya human; I'm Foolish the Todem.", "I-I'm Ranboo.", Foolish smiled,"So, guess you're a human right? Usually I'm suppose to look out for humans, but honestly I don't feel like capturing humans.", Ranboo sighed relief heavily,"Expect for my brother.", Ranboo looked up again,"Huh?", "My brother, Dream, he's dedicated to capturing humans because well it is part of his job.", Ranboo must have had a bit of a pale face,"Don't worry though, my bro isn't going to hurt you he's like a kitten that hasn't slept and tries to be intimating.", Ranboo couldn't help but laugh as did Foolish, he then helped Ranboo across the bridge,"Here, go over and duck behind my station.", so Ranboo nods, kneeling in the snow sent shivers as they kneeled but something told them this brother would be here.
Ramboo peaked out and was surprised.
This brother looked very human, he had simple armour but unlike Foolish wore a scarf and clothes and like Ranboo had ripped jeans but unlike Ranboo he seemed more use to the cold weather and snow.
"Hey, bro is everything alright?", "Sorry, I just wanted to be sure the traps are ready in case of any humans.", they spoke more about guards, traps and puzzle while Ranboo was trying to see what the brother was as he looked very human.~
Ranboo approached Foolish,"What. . . Exactly is your brother he looks. . . Human.", Foolish chuckled,"Doesn't he? He's far from human, he's what you call a monster that resembles a human but he's full of magic.", Foolish turned to Ranboo,"And he'll surprise you with his puzzles and traps.", Foolish walked off, leaving Ranboo alone in the snow with Tommy coming out again.
"Why did you disappear?"
"Let's just say that monster in the hood, I don't trust."
Ranboo was surprised, Foolish seemed nice enough and he didn't kill them so Ranboo shrugged and walked into the woods.~
"So, the Royal Guards are around looking for a human."
"Bet Techno is losing his mind and even Sam."
Then they heard a twig snap, the brothers turn and there was Ranboo who had the face of regret,",Crap.", "The Human!", Dream's eyes lit up, Foolish gave Ranboo a wink to go along with this,"Uhhh. . .", "This is perfect, I have you right where I need you to be! I'll have you captured, taken to the castle of our queen and possibly get a promotion!", Ranboo was surprised, the lookalike of a human was excited to see them,"Prepare yourself human, if you complete my puzzles and defeat me I shall think of sparing you and not sending you to Queen Kristen.", with a quick smile he turned and left.
Foolish looked at Ranboo,"Don't worry, the puzzles aren't dangerous or deadly, the puzzles are like fun games Dream makes and fighting him, it will be hard but I promise you he and you will get along greatly.", with that Foolish walked to opposite direction of where Dream left.
Ranboo didn't know if the traps or puzzles were dangerous and if Foolish really was telling the truth but hebwas willing to give them a try.~
"How did the puzzles go from this to that?", after same encounters with guards; George, Sapnap, Quackity, Techno and Niki, an electronical maze and a few button/lever puzzles it was now a wordsearch.
. . .
"Is. . . Is the human really sitting through it?"
Ranboo sat on the ice, even if it was cold as check and began to do the wordsearch as Tommy stared at him.
"You fuckin' idiot!"
After a bit, Ranboo stood up and nearly slipped on the ice but he gave the Wordsearch to Dream,"That was fun and calming, thanks for that!", so Ranboo walked past them, Dream looked at the wordsearch and had a bright smile, Foolish was happy to see Dream enjoying this and gave him a pat on the head.~
Foolish watched Ranboo crawl off the bridge,"Yeah, he also has moments like that call it a burst of rage.", "Where does he get all that from. . .?", Foolish chuckled, helping Ranboo up to his feet,"Here, allow me to take you to Snowdin Town.", Ranboo gratefully followed Foolish.
At the store Ranboo got trousers that weren't ripped and he felt warmer and no longer cold.
Ranboo also bought some stuff in the store, as he hate the food thankfully the cuts he got from previous battles healed but left very very faded scars.
"The food is pretty good down here, though I am concerned you bought so much of the chocolate."
Ranboo shrugged as he ate his second bar.
. . .
"It appears you have arrived."
Ranboo realised they walked into the battle, honestly Dream looked over intimating in the snow.
"Defeat me and I shall allow you to pass."
Ranboo gulped, pulling out his stick and Dream pulled out a sword and he quickly replaced it with a knife.~
Ranboo was taken it back by how Dream fought, his magic was beautiful in the snow and his dodging was like he had been waiting for this moment for years!
Ranboo was impressed, even though the blows did damage to him but he kept sparing him and dodging his attacks.
. . .
Dream then stopped fighting,"I was training a lot for this moment were I could prove to people that I could defeat someone like you.", Ranboo was surprised, but then again he looked much like a human so maybe he wanted to prove something to them?
Ranboo approached Dream,"You don't have to prove anything to anyone, honestly when I got to do your puzzles I had a lot of fun.", Dream was surprised, Ranboo held up his hand,"Do you think we can be friends?", Dream smiled and seemed lile a huge amount of stress lifted off him as he shook Ranboo's hand,"I've never been friends with a human before.", so as they shook hands the storm cleared and Dream healed Ranboo with magic.~
Foolish and Dream smiled at Ranboo,"Looks like you beat me far and square so I shall stick to my end of the deal; To get home all you have to do is travel through Waterful, Hotland and enter the castle where Queen Kristen will be.", Ranboo nods,"Thanks for the directions and I had a lot of fun. Though, why were you so determined to capture me? Were you trying to impress someone like a girl? Guy? Family??", Dream gagged, Foolish laughed,"Everyone always thinks I'm doing it for someone I like; No romance is too complicated for me and it can burn in a ditch.", with that Dream left, promising puzzles are up ahead and hopes Ranboo enjoys.
Foolish walked over to Ranboo,"Thanks for that, Dream hasn't been this happy in a while and thanks for also convincing him that he doesn't need to impress anyone.", Ranboo smiled, Foolish began to walk away but then stopped,"Oh, one more thing.", Ranboo turned back, he froze a little noticing Foolish looked a little more serious,"Tell me if you see a talking flower.", then Foolish left, leaving Ranboo a little freaked out by that.
"See? There's something off about that shark boy!"
Ranboo agreed a bit but he didn't think Foolish was evil.
A talking flower?
Was he talking about Flowey??

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~