{Dead At The Night 4/6}

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Karl dragged himself to the door, making sure Techno wasn't there.
. . .
Nearly jumping out of his skin seeing Techno pop up out of nowhere!
But Techno moved on.
. . .
He slowly opened the door, seeing him now gone so he slowly made his way back to the Elavator or the stairs, either way suited him.
Karl had no time to react, Techno had gotten the jump on him and SLAMMED the axe into his arm!
Karl screamed as he fell to the floor, breathing heavily, ringing in his ears, the huge amount of pain and the tears.
Karl held his arm, feeling so much blood dripping and soaking his sleeve.
He then left himself being dragged away, in instinct he kicked something, held his arm and ran.
He ran as fast as he could!!


Karl fell downstairs, he was in so much pain that he couldn't describe it!
He crawled behind the stairs, shaking but then feeling more fear once he saw the blood trail so he grabbed an old apron and mopped it up to cover his tracks.
. . .
Karl began to cry, this time he couldn't hold it back anymore. . .
He might as well be dead, his arm now had a large slash right down his arm.
. . .
". . . Hey, hey, listen. . . Listen to my voice. . .", Karl looked up, staring at the box and heard words.
"I know you're scared more than anything, but your friends need you and you've come so far. I promise you, you'll be okay. . . I promise. . ."

Karl sniffled,"How. . . How do you know. . .", "Just trust me, I promise you. Now wipe your tears from your pretty face.", Karl coughed, wiping his tears as he smiled,"Um . . Thank you. . . Never thought, I'd get a compliment from a dead person. . .", the person chuckled on the other end, Karl reached for the old sheets and began to rip them up, one piece at a time not caring where they've been and wrapped them around on his arm.
It wasn't the best, but it was something till he could get proper help because he was going to need. . . A bunch of stitches.


Karl limped to the next room, it seemed to be a type of tounge.
He jumped again, back in the dark and what he was saw very disturbing.
He saw a man in a white shirt, the guest who he couldn't see, the butler and then the fox mask man wondering in the dark.
To Karl's surprise, he saw the man in the white mask take the mysterious guest's hand, whispered something before he was grabbed by the masked person and stabbed to death.
The lights came back on, Karl shook but the wound kind of mad either easy to not fall sick to this ability.
"W. . . Who is this. . ."
". . . I'm James. . . I was at the party, I close to Billiam and I had recently gone through a divorce with my wife and lost custody of my children. So, I had nothing to live for. . . Expect for that Guest."
Karl frowned to himself, confused,"Did the man in the fox mask kill you to?", ". . . Yes. But I didn't fight back like the others, but what was the point?"
Karl felt bad, he rested his eyes and wished for God to give these people peace.
. . .
"You are just as beautiful as you were that night."
Karl was confused,"What. . .?", but James was gone.
. . .
Karl stood up, flinching and shaking from his wound that was getting worse it felt like his wound was slowly opening more and more, and soaked his clothes more so he shallowed his tears and limped to the next vision location.
. . .


Karl was relived to find the main bathroom, he found a med kit and began to treat the wound as best as he could, but each time he had to quietly sob at the pain he was feeling.
Karl flinched, hearing two voices but then saw the fox man and the butler leading him inside and sitting him on the side of the tub, maybe for medication?
But then, Karl saw the knife hidden up his sleeve and in a mater of moments the butler tackled him into the tub of water and began to stab him to death, he repeatedly stabbed him and wasn't holding back and the water dyed red and Karl wanted to scream but felt like he lost his voice and so in a matter of moments, it was gone.
. . .
"Who. . . Who is this. . .why did you. . .?", "My name is too complicated for a normal person like you, but I'm thankful you know the truth. I did it because I couldn't control myself any more. . . It was like, I was no longer in control of my own body.", Karl stuffled down a sob, shaking and and trying to keep himself together.
"Find the last two souls. . . Your so close. . .", "Wait, but I saw three, what about the others guest-?!", Karl was overcame by a huge headache and puked from the pain and the visions he was having.
He shook as he coughed it all up, standing he ran the sink eater and drank from the tap.
. . .
He wanted to go home, he wanted to see Jimmy, Chris, Chandler even his Ex-Lovers. . .
. . .
Karl looked at himself in the mirror, he was pale as paper, the dark circles were more noticeably, everything was a mess in his appearance and his arm. . .
He had to hurry, or he may die of blood loss.

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