King Porkius and Watson would both train Karl to fight and defend himself and no one can tell me otherwise.
Kristen gives the people or either work for her or in a type of relationship or connection to her, she gives them a symbol on the back of their hand so Philza wears gloves to hide his symbol as her husband and he does so to prevent any kidnappings and Wilbur, if you look closely at his design, he have skulls as his pupils so that's their connection to Death.
Callahan uses the Pipboy more often hen people think as it holds a lot of his work and of course the Whitelist to the Dsmp, who's in the Dsmp and of course the various amount of codes he keeps incase.
Sam is only 6ft in my AU and not 7'1.
This is because when he was turned into a Creeper Hybird he was actually not very tall because baby Creepers are also very short and so as Sam grew older he got to a normal height of a Creeper which is 6ft.=
Michael lives to use his stuff animals to make soap operas and tell Ranboo and Tubbo the latest gossip his toys are having and, strangely, Ranboo gets into it but wonders where the heck Michael got all this room.
Purpled killed Charlie because Quackity took something away that he cared about so he just shoot right back at him but with Charlie.
Charlie doesn't know the difference between food and objects so he just eats whenever he wants and then if the item was important then Jschlatt or Quackity have to ask him to spit it out go clean it.
Hannah likes to practice her Fariy Magic a lot and infact she actually turned a Frog into a human by accident and Boomer became her friend after giving him a name and all, and teaching him how society works.
Tommy's unknown/unsee mother, actually collected a lot music disks and sold them to customers.
Before she abandoned him, she lift one of his favourite disks behind for him to remember her.
So he's collected a lot of discs out of habit but stole one from Dream.=
Ponk's unknown/unseen father actually got Ponk to sign up for Self Defense Classes after the childhood accident of falling out of a window.
Dream despises horror games with a passion, because not only because he watched Foolish and Alistair play a horror game without them knowing.
But also because George made him play one that wasn't beginner horror so yeah one of the many reasons Dream hates George.=
After finding her old ship, Puffy has thought about rebuilding but was worried to where she would go and also scared that she'll get lost.
Eret, in his spare time, makes clothes, flower crowns and bracelets as it helps him calm down and keeps himself busy both in the past and now.
Foolish can hear and see The Todem Of Death, and they argue a lot about so if you see Foolish talking to the air looking pissed you'd think he'd gone crazy.
GhostBoo lost his ability to feel negative emotions but has the ability to hover off the ground and has the ability to see everyone's guilty desires if he wants to of course but he doesn't use it as it will cause trouble and he would never not deal with any more drama.
XD can take the form of others, but not their exact forms so it's important to remember even small details about behaviour, accessory and clothes.
And he can enter dreams, mess with people like he's Freddy Kruger.=
When Sapnap uses his fire, only his hair, shoulders and hands light up but his eyes go full Demon like and if he uses too much fire power it results in lava tears.
**More Headcanons along the way.**

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~