Karl threw up, it was hard not too after seeing and witnessing someone being drowned!
Karl took a moment, deep breaths in and out as he didn't even feel bothered by the taste of vomit in his mouth.
. . .
After recovering, he stood up and held his stomach and walked slowly to another room.~
In the main lobby, Karl still felt like he was in a dollhouse-
Karl jumped and turned, but then he wished he didn't because there he saw a man with a red mask and. . . He was wearing nothing but green underwear.
". . ."
"Butler, who is this?"
Turning to his left, Karl saw this Billiam and who his butler. Who shrugged, as Karl turned back they were all gone.
. . .
"Was that Quackity in disguise?-"
Karl jumped at the static and turned it back on,"Hello? Who is this. . .?", ". . .I'M DREW P. WEINER!!", Karl flinched at the loudness of his voice, covering it and running because he knew Techno must have heard it!
Karl shook,"Could you not yell. . . I don't wanna get attacked. . .", "Ah. Right, oops. Sorry.", Karl gulped, sinking down behind the counter,"You wear a red mask, right? Was part of your mask on your sword?", "Yep. My beautiful mask was torn up, I wanted to attend the party but instead I got stabbed in the dark! The mean ****!!", Karl then held the device away as this Drew began to swear a ton!
Karl threw the box in a panic, covering his ears as he heard Techno enter.
. . .
"Annoying bitch."
And he left.
He then crawled towards the box again as it got quiet, but he was took over by nausea and covered his mouth to not be sick.
His vision was completely black but he could see the bar, sword and then Lady Lyaria.
When back to reality, Karl managed to gather himself again and limped to the counter.
. . .
"Drew. . . Were you stabbed by Lyaria?", ". . . Yeah. The pretty lady stabbed me in the back. As soon as the lights went out."
. . .
Sure enough, it played out in front of him and saw him yelling and then stabbed, but when that didn't kill him she stabbed in the face and sure enough, as she raised the sword and was a piece of the fabric.~
Back in reality, Karl was over taken by the darkness and saw Drew waving and disappearing while seemingly raging.
. . .
Karl covered his mouth, he was shaking from this sickness or how this was all happening to him but he had no choice, if he wanted to leave and save his friends, this is what he had to do.
. . .
He stood up, grabbing the counter and nearly puking again, he didn't want to know what type of witch craft had possessed him.
He limped out, the vision said to find some room with a wardrobe and it was room 300.
. . .~
As the Elavator went up, Karl shook and tried to hug himself and calm his nerves and trying to understand what was happening to him or why he and his friends were victims of this.
". . ."
He stepped out, the hall was different and and obviously guests payed more for this so this must have been the suites in a way???
Karl didn't care, he just had to find room-
Karl turned and saw Techno, seeing his hair a mess and his eyes wild as he held am axe,"AHH!!", "GET BACK HERE!!", Karl sprinted down the hall as fast as he could, hearing Techno's heavy panting and footsteps, he ran around this Maze of doors before he tricked Techno!
He pretended to sprint to the right but took off to the left, he scanned the doors and practically dove into Room 300 and locking the door, grabbing the chair and wedging it under the door handle.
Karl backed away, trying not to cry or collapse in fear of this man!
. . .
"Hello. . .? Is someone there?"
Karl jumped, taking the box and nodding,"Mhm. . .", "Ah, it has been so long since I heard a new voice. . . Who are you?", "K-Karl. . . What about you?", silence rang out for a minute or two, Karl was scared but then the static picked up,"I am Lord Sebastian. Like the others, I came to the party. . . But I was not able to return alive.", after that, Karl knew something in this room was the answer to his fate.
. . .
Karl noticed the wardrobe, he opened it and noticed the hinges were damaged and. . . Like someone flung it open because there was noticeable damages, looking under the bed and saw nothing but then he saw another mask but it was. . . A mask of a fox?
Karl pulled the box over,"Lord Sebastian. . . Does the Fox Mask and Door have something to do with your fate?", ". . . Yes. The lights went out, in a panic of the killer finding me I hid in the closet with another guest and the last person I saw, was my killer in his mask.", Karl was shocked, so this party seemed to have a killer and they were being killed one by one.
Karl jumped, looking up he saw Sebastian ran in and another guest he didn't see the face off but they both hid in the closet.
Sure enough, the man in the fox mask came in and Karl watched helpless as Sebastian was stabbed and killed and the guest didn't notice because the bastard covered his mouth and made his death quick.
. . .
Karl rested his eyes, seeing Sebastian wave but. . . His smile wasn't like the ither two, it was a nervous smile. . .
But Karl didn't care, he was trying not to from this all, but he kept repeating that his friends needed him and all he could do was avoid this man.
. . .=
They couldn't see.
Some were blindfolded, unconscious, awake and gagged, or had their mouths sewn shut.
They needed to get out of here, but Bad already had a plan as he worked with knives he nudged Dream who was blindfolded and tied up.
"I have a plan. But do as I say."

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~