Ranboo woke to the smell of flowers and when opening their eyes, they found flowers in their face.
Sitting up, they realised they were sitting on a patch of a flower bed, confused they looked up and could see how far they fell down.
. . .
No way back up without a ladder or a rescue team, so Ranboo stood up dusting off their jeans before they walked down the hall.
. . .~
Ranboo was surprised of what was in front of them; A talking golden flower.
"I'm Flowely! Flowely The Flower!"
The flower took in the appearance of the human before him;
Brown hair, mask covering his face but he could see his eyes, a black and white hoodie with a crown design on the top left of the hoodie, blue ripped jeans from the fall and red sneakers.
"Boy, you must be so confused.", Ranboo nods,"Well, guess little old me can teach ya how to get out!", Ranboo was startled to see a red heart appear in front of him as everything else disappeared.
"See that heart? That's SOUL. It is important to get stronger by gaining LOV, and what is LOV? LOVE. LOVE is shared through the Underground, and I have plenty to share with my 'Friendly Petals!' Here.", so little petals appeared, making Ranboo back up a bit,"Catch as many as you can!", Ranboo didn't know what to do, so the heart was hit and he toppled over in pain!
"You idiot. . . In this world; It's Kill Or Be Killed."
Looking up the flower was now demonic, it surrounded Ranboo's soul with petals with no chance of escape.
Ranboo accepted his fate.
Then he felt the pain wash away, his soul wasn't damaged anymore but it was healed with no cracks or blows.
Even the flower was confused,"Huh?", then and blast of fire hit the flower out!
Ranboo was in shock, then came footsteps and someone else in view.
"It's okay, child. You're safe now."
Everything appeared again, now Ranboo was met with a much taller person. . .?
Blonde hair tied back, a green and white hate, blue eyes, some kind of heart locket and, wore green and white robes, and he had some gray wings.
"My name is Philza, I am The guardian/caretaker of the Ruins."
Ranboo sighed sighed, relieved not that he wasn't dead, he stood up and walked closer to Philza,"Hello, I'm uh. . . Ranboo.","Ranboo, that is an interesting name.", Ranboo nods, Philza then looked around,"Let us go. We wouldn't want that flower coming back.", Ranboo nods, following Philza and taking his hand in fear,"Yeah, please.", Philza smiled as he lead Ranboo through the ruins.~
"The Ruins are filled with monsters, but to defeat your enemies is to not FIGHT but to give MERCY and make them your friends."
Ranboo nods along, they were taught how to do puzzles and touched this star that gave them some kind of hope or determination.
They also came to a dummy much they practiced on showing mercy to them and a Froggit tired to fight them but Philza had this look at made the Froggit leave.
They also came to this spike puzzle, they looked at Philza,"Uh, why is this a puzzle??", "I won't make you do this, but it is a very old trap.", Ranboo took Philza's hand again and they walked through with no injuries.~
Ranboo was alone.
Philza had to do something and he was told to wait, but after what felt like forever Ranboo got bored and decided to explore the place called the Ruins.
They came across monsters and puzzles, they ran or spared the monsters but never fought because well; Ranboo didn't want to get on Philza's bad side.~
"Want me to move again? You're giving me a real work out, kid.", "Yeah, and I'm trying to get past spikes!", Ranboo never thought they'd have an argument with a rock but here they were.
They also came across a table with cheese, they tired to move the cheese to the hole but some genius glue it to the table so no matter how hard Ranboo tired it wasn't coming off.
"Sorry, mouse."

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~